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radio controlled

Member Since 05 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2014 07:05 PM

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In Topic: red alert 3 launch problems

06 December 2014 - 01:25 PM

Nope, doesn't change a thing. What's worse, I can't even open the game anymore period. I uninstalled the cnc online launcher, removed red alert 3, redownloaded and installed red alert 3, and it's still broken. The game won't even launch anymore, it worked fine before I tried to use cnc online. Don't ask me how, but this program of yours broke the game so bad I can't get it to work anymore whatsoever. 


So, any ideas anyone? I'd appreciate any help I could get.

In Topic: red alert 3 launch problems

06 December 2014 - 09:25 AM

I am unable to hook using that method, I get the 'CA error', as you can see in the second error log. The fix for the CA error does not work at all. So basically, the methods described in the page you linked do not work.

For the record, I have been trying for 2 hours to get it to work using methods described in that thread. None of them help anything, and now the game itself won't launch anymore either, not even from within steam or the main .exe