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Member Since 27 Apr 2020
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2022 12:42 PM

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Win against #1 ranked player not registered

23 May 2020 - 10:47 AM

Hi there,


I played a 2v2 with my friend against the guy that is supposedly #1 ranked on the 2v2 ladder.

We won easy, he was not a very good player, only our win did not register and it did also not register a loss for him..... So we didn't get 60 points (which is the amount gentool said we would get if we would win) and he did not lose any points. I dont care so much for wins/losses or ranking, but since this guy was #1 ranked on the 2v2 ladder, maybe something is bugged here that got him to that position in the first place....



This is the replay: https://www.gentool....harpei_QRQ.repĀ 

Which van be found here: https://www.gentool....online/Sharpei/


Replay also attached as a file.

Game was played 22 may.


As you can see, there is no record of this match in my match history: http://shatabrick.co...rchnick=Sharpei

There is a match before, where I also beat him and did get the 60 pts, but that is a different match with different partners.



Kind regards
