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Member Since 22 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 22 2008 08:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: War of the Ring - BFMEII style?

19 June 2008 - 06:38 AM


We went the "hard" (hard in this case stands for rather boring monkeywork) road and duplicated every unit- and hordeobject that could be build in the Tacticmap (livingworld), aside from heroes,
named it object (insert name here)_map and changed the livingworldbuildings.ini. so that only _map-Units could be produced in the Worldmap.
(armysummarydescription.ini had to be modified to display the correct names in the Worldmap too.)

We then removed "ARMY SUMMARY" for all regular units/hordes and edited lotr.str, so that all _map Units got a "Superior" prefix
Ah .. and we added "ARMY SUMMARY" to the Kindof of miniheroes.

- Miniheroes can only be build in realtime and can travel the War of the Ring World
- Only Units build in the Worldmap can be taken from one Battle to the next (negating the fact that the first won RTS Battle already crowned you King of the Hill
- Units build in the Worldmap can be recognized in the RTS part because they have a different name .. everything else is the same (right now)

It wasn't the "elegant" (elegant here stands for "not boring") solution, I hoped for.. but it works :p

In Topic: Animal Companions

12 June 2008 - 07:59 AM

Maybe your 'slaved' unit has a leash that is too long, Creeps also use leashes, and i am sure that most wargs dont run after you when you are about 2 or so fortresses away.

If you send me the entire code, so i can read it a bit easier then the code you have posted already i can take a better look at your problem.

Those are the only codechanges regarding the animal companions I made. Simply add them to the files and it should work (createahero.ini, createaheroobjects.inc)
I have removed the code from the mod right now, until I find the time to tinker with it some more.. or gain a sudden insight :p

slaved code for the wolf (working)
Behavior = SlavedUpdate ModuleTag_SlaveLeashRange = 300GuardMaxRange = 0GuardWanderRange = 50AttackRange = 200UseSlaverAsControlForEvaObjectSightedEvents = No // Not a creepGuardPositionOffset = X:55 Y:0 Z:0FadeOutRange = 0FadeTime = 1000 //in msecDieOnMastersDeath = Yes //Die when my master dies!End

slaved code for the hawk (working as long as it doesn't enter the "I want to attack - but I don't hit them" loop)
Behavior = SlavedUpdate ModuleTag_SlaveLeashRange = 300GuardMaxRange = 0GuardWanderRange = 50AttackRange = 200UseSlaverAsControlForEvaObjectSightedEvents = No // Not a creepGuardPositionOffset = X:55 Y:0 Z:0FadeOutRange = 0FadeTime = 1000 //in msecDieOnMastersDeath = Yes //Die when my master dies!End

hmm.. could it be the duplicated module tag....
I'll have to check that one of these days

In Topic: War of the Ring - how can I keep Inn and Miniheroes

07 June 2008 - 06:53 PM

Make sure ARMY_SUMMARY is part of the kindof for the horde/unit you want to keep.

Ah thank you, that did the trick for the miniheroes!

I just hated to let those units go to waste, never reaching their full potential in the war of he ring mode

In Topic: Behavior = DamageFieldUpdate problem

01 June 2008 - 08:59 PM

It could be

ClipSize = 0

I would change this to
ClipSize = 1

You're right, that should do it! Thanks.

But I've already found a more elegant way.. it was possible to add a "forbiddenupgrade=" as a brake into the other upgradeprocess.. so the entire OCL-Weapon workarround is no longer needed.