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Member Since 28 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2007 09:39 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Suggestions

08 January 2007 - 01:53 AM

Just my opinion, but I think Black Lotus should be able to drop something from her briefcase. I haven't seen any other mods, so forgive me if this is cliche', but a nuclear brief case would be a very awesome surprise. ;D

been done. it was (I think still is) in Contra and Remix.

Gah. >_>

Alright, how about this:

Infantry Lotus: Places a briefcase beacon that a Paradrop ship homes onto, dropping down around 6-12 infantry. Recharge: 1/2 minutes?

Tank Lotus: Ability to mass-hack enemy tanks, shutting down 2/4 at a time. (Can this even be done? o.O)

Flame Lotus: Places a briefcase beacon that a wing of Iron Dragon MiGs lock-on to and fire at, causing a firestorm in the designated area. Recharge: 1/2 minutes?

No ideas for Nuclear Lotus. :x

In Topic: Military and political discussions

08 January 2007 - 01:30 AM

Oh, sorry, then. I wasn't sure how the quote system worked so.. :\

Anyway, context and justification changes with the given scenario. Saddam killed, lets just say for the sake of arguement, 100k Kurds. Now, that sounds like genocide, right? Suppose these Kurds did something to Saddam. Perhaps they were terrorists in his eyes, as he is in ours. Now, suddenly, genocide becomes justification. He may have been a sadist, but the end result in the same as life in prison, albeit slightly quicker and more painful.

That's pretty much the summary of what I said. Not to say this is the absolute truth, but there have been times the USA Intelligence was.. inaccurate, at best. Red Scare, anyone? :p

In Topic: Suggestions

07 January 2007 - 11:12 PM

Just my opinion, but I think Black Lotus should be able to drop something from her briefcase. I haven't seen any other mods, so forgive me if this is cliche', but a nuclear brief case would be a very awesome surprise. ;D

In Topic: Military and political discussions

07 January 2007 - 11:08 PM

No, they WANTED to hang him. Don't read a website' spend some time talking to the locals. Sure, there will be riots and protests by the 20% of the population that loved his genocide efforts, but the rest are glad he's dead. Mostly because they were the targets of his genocide. There are some things that you just have to spend some time with the locals to see for your self.

This is a rather fascinating debate, I'll say. I hope you guys have room for one more. :p

In Topic: Support - Serious Error (v004)

07 January 2007 - 05:54 AM

The game is *probably* reading the files off of Contra as well as Mod Toaster. This is probably confusing it into crashing, due to reading conflicting and/or duplicate files.

I'd suggest just uninstalling mod toaster. That might help.