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Member Since 28 May 2020
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2020 05:49 PM

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In Topic: General Questions & Suggestions Thread

07 June 2020 - 05:50 PM

Hello all,


I've enjoyed the AOTR mod quite a bit. Specifically with the new Dol Guldur faction. Great stuff so far.


I had a suggestion pertaining to custom heroes. I understand that there's been some additions that come with creating custom heroes in Age of the Ring.


Given the addition of Dol Guldur I thought it would be cool to add maybe one or two new types of custom hero types belonging to them. Adding a Spiderling hero type, or a Wight / Undead hero type would seem like a great addition.


Spider hero powers can follow closely with those already establish; for example: Burrow, Fear, De-buff, Spiderling Summon, Poison, Rooting / Stun, etc.

Wight / Undead heroes may require more newly established powers, yet not straining to far from other evil heroes; for example: Summon units / tomb structure, fear power, invulnerability / phasing, morgul blade mechanic power, etc.


Although for me it may be simple in theory to add new custom hero types and powers, i'm sure its a lot more complex than it looks. I understand the AOTR team is very busy and still has two more factions to put out before the game comes full circle but I'd hope you'd consider my idea of putting forth new custom hero types based on Dol Guldur. For me and my friends it would make the game even better then it already is.


Thank you for your time!