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Member Since 03 Jun 2020
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2024 10:40 PM

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Ingame Randomize fix?

27 February 2024 - 03:12 PM

Hi all, 


I enjoy this mod very much and managed to get somewhat good with all factions.

This causes me to go 'random' faction in each game. 


Random means that it is possible to get 5 games with faction A, and then a 6th game where you're also given faction A. 

There is also the 'problem' of mirror matches. if you're playing a 3v3, and everyone goes random you can end up with 5 of the same faction.


I was wondering if something can be installed that, if you pick random, it chooses from all factions excluding the one you've played last and for teamgames something that makes sure everyone gets a different faction?


I know this is pretty much a non issue and that if you don't want a certain faction, prepick another faction, but it would be great if something like this can be installed. 


Thanks for reading and i hope it's not a hardcoded issue.