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Member Since 06 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active May 28 2009 11:19 PM

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In Topic: General Comments/Suggestions

28 May 2009 - 03:41 PM

Hey everyone,

it's been some time. Just a question in short. Has there been any update within this mod after it's first 1.06 Release in .. uh .. March 2009? Didn't have the time to play or check for updates either. :)
So a short answer will do i guess - and (if) a downloadlink or site of course.

Thank you in advance and keep on with that extraordinary good work. :good:

In Topic: Arnor

09 February 2009 - 08:56 PM

Just so you know, grey company summon will replace earthquake for gondor with halbarad, the elf twins, and a bunch of rangers.

That sounds cool :thumbsupsmiley:
But will it be an equal powerful replacement for the earthquake? Meaning - after it it's pretty easy to attack...
Did you mean it something the way you can call the Istari in Arnor?

In Topic: Arnor

07 February 2009 - 09:05 PM

Anyway, I had another idea. Considering Gondor did eventually come to Arnor's aid, (even if they were a bit late :) ) I was wondering if there could be either another fortress alliance that could be made, or more likely make Gondor a faction Arnor can ally with at the inn.
On another note, which I guess this is as good as any other place to post, how about a Dunedain inn faction? You could recruit rangers from them, and for a hero you could have Halberad. (If I spelt that right! ;) )

Aham .. ah .. actually you're just repeating my own words in both of your notes. :crazed:
I was asking that Dunedain-Gondor-Alliance-thing on page 58 before.
Dalf32 (one of the Mod-Members) answered following: "[...]i dont know about using gondorian buildings in arnor. i dont really see the purpose; it just fudges the line between the two factions. besides, i like the current symmetry that we have in those alliances: they each allow you to build one building from which you can build units of that alliance. adding multiple gondor buildings removes that for no reason that i can see other than 'just because'."

Talking about Halbarad - just have a look at page 58 again. There you'll get your answer. Sorry for that.
BESIDES: I still do have the same oppinion as you have ... :)

In Topic: Angmar

06 February 2009 - 09:04 AM

Well, you guys take your time. I'm seriously in love with this mod. I was feeling like it was going to come to a crashing halt a few months ago, but I understood why, and I would've been willing to make due with an incomplete mod. (Because its still more epic then the original version and 50x more epic than any other mod out there.)
Anyways, keep up the great work. ;) I'm looking forward to completed rehashed Angmar and Arnor faction wars! ~Thumbs up~

Seriously?! - MAKE YOUR WORDS MINE !!! :p ;)

In Topic: Arnor

05 February 2009 - 07:41 AM

Hmm, that might make sense. Glorfindel was a much more important figure with Arnor, because he led the Elves along side the kings of Arnor during the war. So I could see that, yeah.
But I still have a problem with Cirdan. He doesn't really play a monsterously huge part with Arnor...

For me, moving Elrond to the Elves and making Elladan+Elrohir an Inn-Unit sounds great. It's a good way to handle it. :p Being somehow close to the books Glorfindel really should be part of Arnor's Heroes. It was fun playing with him in previous versions of this mod.
But - Cirdan? Hmm... First of all it takes quite a long time until he's some kind of useful within the game (by power) and moreover I only use him for "beaming" my troops into the enemy base, after attacking with an earthquake. >> SCOTTY BEAM ME UP :crazed:
So i think Cirdan really could be removed.

@IhtilienRanger73: You're right with the trebuchets - Mordor's Trebs are quite too strong.