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Member Since 10 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active May 23 2007 02:18 PM

Topics I've Started

AARRGH - Swap Textures in INI file - SOLVED

17 January 2007 - 12:15 PM

EDIT: removed the "Oath Breakers on Horse" horde code. if you want to have a look PM me.

childobject in fortess.ini

12 January 2007 - 01:42 PM

Hey, i 've posted this question in an another topic but noone seemed to look at it anymore, so here we go again..

I'm trying to add a childobject with a new commandset for angmarfortress.ini. the aim ist adding a new faction that would use this childobject to have their "own" fortress.

//Rune Fortress
ChildObject Angmarfortess_Rune AngmarFortress
		CommandSet				= RuneFortressCommandSet
	Behavior = CastleBehavior ModuleTag_castle
		  CastleToUnpackForFaction  = Rune Fortress_Angmar		



this is all i need to add to the childobject right?

how do i "tell" the game to use this RuneFortressCommandSet when i play as this new runefaction?
it doesn't work by adding Startingbuilding = AngmarFortress or Angmarfortress_Rune to playertemplate.ini

If i start a skirmish i get only 2 porters but no fortress so it ends after a few seconds (defeated)

Solinx: Changed red color tags into code tags, the T3A forum skin is red too :)
And I think I just answered your question in the other topic, or at least bumped it back up :p

Adding a New Faction

10 January 2007 - 05:46 PM

Hey there

I have problems modding again. :p

I added a new side to the game. I basicly copied the codes from angmar to start with. playertemplate.ini, commandsets for the castle and the porter, sience.ini, victorysystem.ini all edited and myfaction_fortress.ini and myfaction_porter.ini added

I aslo took the angmar_castle.bse, replaced the objects and saved it as myfaction_castle.bse ( there was no AREA like in BFME1 so i left that out..(?)..)
then changed the unpackfor_myfaction in myfaction_fortress.ini . however, when i try to add the unpackfor_myfaction -line in civilianbuildings.ini the game crashes on startup:

Unkown field "castletounpackforfaction"
error parsing in block object

when i leave then lines in civilianbuildings.ini away, it "crashes" ingame, 10 seconds after the fight began saying "defeated"

do you have an idea what i forgot or did wrong?
