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Member Since 14 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2010 10:33 PM

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In Topic: Mod's status

16 June 2010 - 10:32 PM

I thought I would at least try to stop in and post something to let everyone know what is going on.

Currently, certain health issues have taken up quite a bit of time/attention in personal life, not just the time directly related to working with them, but also the large extra responsibilities that arise. On top of that, my kids are getting older and I want to make sure they have all of my attention that they need.

For me, when I mod, I really dive into the depths and it requires undivded attention to ensure everything comes out as I'd like it. I literaly cannot mod part-time, it's just not in me. (i.e. I will usually have 3ds Max/gmax, 1000s of txt files, photoshop, 3ds viewer, hex editors, etc. up all at once as I work on items for hours on end). While I do have some time, it is just not the amount of time and undivided attention needed to work through the mod at this time. When I mod, it really engulfs all of my time.

It is a long-term goal of mine to finish the mod/campaign. It really is one of the things that I would love more than anything to work on. I would stop by the forums more often, except it really does sadden me that I haven't been able to do things yet that I've wanted and I may have let people that have worked on/followed the mod down. I miss the friendships and the community most of all, and please keep in touch.

So what does this mean for the mod - I'm sure most are wondering this. Will the mod be finished? I can't answer that. I can say that I WANT the mod to be finished, but I don't know how life events are going to treat me and my family. If there are some on the team that would like to jump in and take the lead, I might be open to it though it may be difficult. Whatever some may think, I don't think I could ever say that RJ has reached an end.

I can't say how much all of the well wishes mean to me and my family. RJ-RotWK played a HUGE part of my life for a very long time, and I am glad I was able to work on something that other could play and find some fun/enjoyment out of.

Robert J.

p.s. Yes, to confirm Master Windu's comments I do play LotRO, often with my son (and sometimes my daughters). The robnkarla on the LotRO forums is me. The amount of attention that is required to play the game is nowhere near the amount that I use to mod, and as my kids are not old enough to mod, we still can play a Lord of the Rings game together.