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Member Since 17 Jul 2020
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2020 11:41 PM

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Fortress doesn't show on new faction

17 July 2020 - 09:13 PM

Hi all. I'm new to modding and needed some help.


I've been following this guide: https://www.the3rdag...item-63?addview trying to add a new faction (named Winterfell in the files).


It's worked well, I can see it in the skirmish menu, and I can select it and start a game. But when I start the game I have no fortress and lose.


This was an issue they mentioned but I can't seem to figure out how to get the fortress to show.

Can someone help me figure out what went wrong? I have attached the relevant code files that I have edited, minus the .str file.


If anyone can help that would be awesome