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Member Since 18 Jul 2020
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2020 01:29 AM

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In Topic: Isengard Faction Plan

18 July 2020 - 08:21 AM

Could you make Isengard specific custom hero abilities?

The other races in custom hero are more fleshed out with more ability variety, and even come with stronger base stats and additional bonus stats(total amount of stats) , So Uruk custom hero's are at a disadvantage in every way. 

In Topic: Isengard Faction Plan

18 July 2020 - 08:21 AM

Please add some other kind of early game unit for Isengard, whether some kind of orc variant unit or different kind of uruk, they are too easily abusable early on and therefore can never protect their economy and just slowly bleed, the uruk scout is too expensive and is easily swarmed with other factions with much cheaper infantry, and the wild men while they are good building harassers are very lack luster in unit to unit combat and fall too easily to archers, making the 200 cost way too expensive. While moria orc screechers are the premiere swarmer, it takes only 2-3 depending on other circumstances to kill a uruk scout, thats around 130 to 195 cost compared to 400 maybe 350 if you have enough furnaces, and it takes about 1.5 screechers to kill 1 wild men. Also an extra uruk hero would be nice wormtongue is really bad unless leveled and Saruman is really expensive, and sharku is useless without wargs, who are already one of the worst cavalry after the early game.