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Member Since 21 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2007 02:05 AM

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In Topic: Welcome to the new Tactical Warfare Forums

02 February 2007 - 02:42 PM

I mean no disrespect but what does Canada have that makes it different with the Western factions in this mod?

If you don't want China, then just put an African nation for a change...South Africa, or Israel.

everything the only canadian units that are the same as america are f-18,c-17(comming soon) ch-47 chinook(comming soon) and the c-130 herculies our guns, tanks, artilery,ships,heilocoptors,soldiers,planes,armored transports ect are mostely different

In Topic: Factions

27 January 2007 - 04:58 PM

Well, adding Canada would be far in the future, but do you have any info on ground forces?

i know about the canadian military so i u add them i can help

In Topic: Html code

25 January 2007 - 11:19 PM

that didnt realy help it might help if u make it so every things still works here is the full code

<title>Tactical Warfare</title>
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<tr><td><font color="white"><h1 align="center">News Update Monday January 22</h1> <p><font size="4">First

Tactical Warfare Models</p></font>
<font color="white"><h2 align="center">M1A2 Abrams,Land Rover 109, and MVC 80 Warrior</h2>
<table border="1">
<tr><td><img src="m1a21pp1.jpg"/height="320" width="240"></td><td><img

src="m1a22oh6.jpg"/height="320" width="240"></td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="m1a23lj9.jpg"/height="320" width="240"></td><td><img

src="m1a24nt0.jpg"/height="320" width="240"></td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="lr109.jpg"/height="320" width="240"></td><td><img

src="lr1091.jpg"/height="320" width="240"></td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="MVC 80 Warrior.jpg"/height="320" width="240"></td><td><img src="MVC 80


<tr><td><img src="MVC 80 Warrior2.jpg"/height="320" width="240"></td>
<p><font color="white">credit to Mohaa_ca and rezz</p>

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In Topic: FTP

21 January 2007 - 10:36 PM

Yes, the network bar is the thing you see at the top of this page.

If you need any help fixing up your site, feel free to ask me for help. I have nothing better to do than help people.

i got the bar and thx we are just waiting on getting approved i have the main page of the site almost finished though i got a nifty lil program that allows me to make html codes and theres a button that says show pages and it shows as a website

In Topic: FTP

21 January 2007 - 10:20 PM

Yep, if I understand you correctly, that's what you should do. You may want to call the one used as main page, index.html, so it loads when you go to <yoururl.something.net>. If you want to include the network bar you'll need to call it index.php (and all the pages .php), and paste the network bar code (ask me if you need this) in the appropriate place.

the network bar is the part where u put ur mouse over and it shows the mods revora is hosting and stuff right?
cause if that is the case i got it, and say my main page when i save the document name it index.php? or do u turn the file into php?

wait nvm i renamed the files and they were automaticly converted to php files but still answer the part about the networkbar