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Member Since 21 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 03 2011 11:51 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [RotWk]Update 25/7/08.

25 July 2008 - 01:37 PM



1. I have re-done (changed weapons and armors) MiniHeroHorde system so they are more "heroic" than from EA. :facepalm:
They got banners now and Noldor Warriors got new skins ,furthermore I would like to make/change the skin of Dol Amroth Riders because
they are ugly and change MHH of Isengard (CaH horde... What did EA think :ermm: ) and Mordor .

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2. Aragorn got Mount Brego! :ex:

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3. And last but not least. I made the color of "Men's" forged blades from blue to white.

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Ugly. They need new skins.


Eldarion, for those cool Noldor Warriors.
xxx Mr. xxxx , for Noldor Banner carrier and Mounted Aragorn

BTW. Im looking for someone who could bind some models, that are too heavy for me.


In Topic: [RotWk]Update 25/7/08.

22 July 2008 - 10:28 AM

I'm back after long time. :D
But with sad news, i had great problems with net connection and absolute wipe-out on comp so everything is deleted, i wasn't able to save anything. :D
So, i begin to work on mod again. :)


In Topic: [RotWk]Update 25/7/08.

28 February 2008 - 05:29 AM


you can rebind every units that has it :thumbsupsmiley:
no, there's no other way...

Max shouldn't crash anywhere NEAR as much as RenX :xcahik_:

Under Re-Bind mean you bind again all vertex to bones? But if I got again USP ot that unit? Need I rebind it until the model is good? :shiftee:


Got a problem with exporting W3D from 3Ds Max 7, it gives: Error Animation Log, but I don't export anims. :alien:

In Topic: [RotWk]Update 25/7/08.

27 February 2008 - 06:45 PM

Ok... Got it. Should be in C:\3dsmax7\scripts\startup. I'm happy, hopefully 3Ds Max 7 doesn't crash often like RenX.
Thank you, Lauri. :alien:


I't is possible to fix somehow the USP? I have read about it somewhere, but don't remember where it was.


In Topic: [RotWk]Update 25/7/08.

27 February 2008 - 06:26 PM

Ok... Downloaded, un-rared in to C:\3dsmax7\scripts , Opened 3Ds max7 , clicked on Custom Interface and it isn't there. (Used tutorial on The3Age.net) :alien: