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Member Since 28 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2010 08:36 PM

Topics I've Started

Need a new motherboard... uBTX 4-layered?

02 January 2009 - 03:14 PM

Last night I shut off my computer and all seemed to be normal, but this morning, when I started it, the cpu fan came on along with the LED behind the power button, but there was no clicking or crackling, and both monitors I had connected would not display anything. I tried shifting the video cables, tried taking out the video card and putting it back in its place, but it seems that if the computer is on, the monitors have no reason to believe that it is on. Furthermore, I would have expected to hear the normal clicking as it goes to the log-in page. Is this something that can be simply fixed, or should I be looking into finding a new computer and trying to save what I have on my hard drive.

I'm not sure how I'd go about getting a new computer if it came to that though, the one I had was already a hand-me-down and we are starting to run out of computers. Just after Christmas and with the financial situation we and the nation as a whole are in, getting a new one might be too expensive for me or my family. (I would like to, just once, get a computer that will last longer than 2 years)

EDIT: Updated topic title to reflect current problem...