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Member Since 29 Aug 2020
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2021 09:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Lothlórien Faction Plan

26 January 2021 - 05:01 PM

True! Especially Galadhrim were ever watchful, they used their flets to look out for the enemy.

Concerning the siege mechanics:

Could ropes as a siege engine be made on the SAGE engine? As I've proposed earlier, would that be possible?

I think that a different type of ent for instance a battalion of three smaller ents similar to snow trolls would be perfect to make a more broad choice of siege weapons without adding to much more to 2.0.

In Topic: Isengard Faction Plan

23 January 2021 - 07:05 PM

I like isengard 3.0, but I have a suggestion. The suggestion is a new hero. The hero would be Lugdush. He would be summoned by Uglúks rank 7 power: reinforcements from Saruman. I think that he would be a good addition and add a new hero to isengard. heres an article, https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Lugdush . As always thanks for the Mod and I am very proud of 6.0

I think that making a uglúk model that is tinted red would make him easier to add into the game. It is not necessary but it would add an extra hero to isengard.

In Topic: Isengard Faction Plan

17 November 2020 - 11:41 PM

I like isengard 3.0, but I have a suggestion. The suggestion is a new hero. The hero would be Lugdush. He would be summoned by Uglúks rank 7 power: reinforcements from Saruman. I think that he would be a good addition and add a new hero to isengard. heres an article, https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Lugdush . As always thanks for the Mod and I am very proud of 6.0

In Topic: Rivendell Faction Plan

21 October 2020 - 04:24 PM

Recommendation, In the discord I saw a suggestion of a hobbit custom hero. I think this would be a good addition and It could be used specifically by Breeland encampment or by Rivendell's fortress. It could also just be used by all good factions. The customization would just have color or also powers that are used by all of the other hobbits. The powers to choose would be from Tom Bombadil, any of the Breeland heroes and Pippen, Merry, Frodo, and Sam.

In Topic: Mordor Faction Plan

19 September 2020 - 04:22 PM

I appreciate the changes to Mordor especially the Great Beast of Gorgoroth and Grond, my suggestion is to make the Morgul spire bigger, taller, and brighter so that it matches the epicness in the movie lotr return of the king!, as always, great mod so far, Cheers!