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Member Since 18 Sep 2020
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In Topic: Huge Map for DC and SS... but unavailable, help me recover it !

05 October 2020 - 06:32 AM

I should have been more concise when it came to describing "middle of the row." I was referring to the northern row of starting positions. There is another 3x slag deposit point to the north of the station walls, outside of the station itself, within rushing distance.


The Tau markings can be seen in the screenshot attached to the download on ModDB, yellow markings on the ground near the burning spaceport model. It is no big deal really, just that one bit with alien text stood out, if not for that I probably wouldn't even have noticed it. 


Seasoned means experienced. Also no need to add SS decals, most online play is done with SS anyway.


And the thing about strategic points still needs testing, maybe it's fine and I'm overreacting, thinking there's just too many of them & too close to each other.

And you should always try to make maps more "player vs. player" oriented. Your map is amazing, I can see it being incorporated in something like Ultimate Apocalypse one day, the scale seems perfect for a game with titans. But for that it needs balance.

Good luck.

In Topic: Huge Map for DC and SS... but unavailable, help me recover it !

04 October 2020 - 08:51 AM

No kidding when the author called it huge. Now - to criticism: slag deposits. They are not just decoration, they have a very important role in competitive play. Although it makes sense to place them in front of a row of factory models, this gives a massive power boon to the player(s) starting in the middle of the row. Maybe space the 3 deposits out between the 4 starting positions, that should even things out a bit.


Also there seems to be an overabundance of clumped-together strategic points at key points of the map, potentially making it difficult to take said points from a player who has already entrenched themselves there, especially given the current power generation disbalance. Players who start out at the edges of the map would have to footslog infantry across great lengths only to get shot up in the middle of the map, while the middle player would take it with ease with the help of easily available vehicles thanks to having a whopping power generation rate.


Another minor design detail: you shouldn't use obvious Tau details in Imperial settings. Noticed some yellow Tau markings on the ground of the station. An Imperial station would never allow anything xeno on their grounds. That is all I noticed at first glance, I'm sure there is a lot I still missed given the grand scale of the map.


And one final thing - the map uses a lot of SS exclusive details. Although this should be obvious to seasoned players, maybe it is still worth a note. Aside from that - great work.

(Apologies for typos & grammatical errors.)

In Topic: Huge Map for DC and SS... but unavailable, help me recover it !

03 October 2020 - 10:14 AM

Upload to ModDB if you wish to share. Maps usually go in the addons section.