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Member Since 15 Oct 2020
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In Topic: General Questions & Suggestions Thread

20 October 2020 - 09:07 AM

Dol Guldur: Siege Limitations
Unit: A (perhaps higher tier) support unit with a low unit limit dedicated to stop decay or something similar
Reasons: Decay becomes a problem when Necromancer dies in a attack (naturally) or when is unavailable like WoTR or simply too big of an army (leads to massive clumpage aoe death or Passive dmg). Mostly a problem when in mid-late game multiplayer, ai doesn't prioritize the Necromancer but Humans love to focus fire him. Sieges become elite only unless you build cross map undead tower highways which are doable and funny/cool but are easily disrupted. Also an attack is difficult to push back when buildings are being destroyed and the Necromancer is elsewhere in force especially siege factions like Isengard's long range weapons render defense null even if lightly guarded due to passive dmg
Conclusion: Sustained sieges are very difficult especially with late game dps skills and spells from human players to the Necromancer. Attacking armies often get shelled to pieces due to clumpage around the Necromancer with little workaround (as far as I know). Reinforcements are almost unheard of because passive dmg when attacking. Defending your base against long ranges is in some cases insurmountable if Necromancer is NA. As soon as QRF arrives they have to take passive dmg and attack at halfish health against well trained equipped units and rinse repeat. Dul Guldor's offensive might and in some cases defensive are crippled to the extreme from one "man" being unavailable to go elsewhere quickly.
P.S. Dol Guldur is one of my favorite faction and it utterly amazes me all the time from the design to the thought put into it (Not to mention the rest of the mod). I apologize if this is in the works or already suggested but I did my due diligence to try and make sure it wasn't. Thank you so much for all the hard work on this mod.