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Member Since 21 Oct 2020
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2021 03:56 PM

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In Topic: Erebor Faction Plan

25 November 2020 - 11:43 PM

Maybe it's just me but personally I find the model of the Erebor Elite unit Khazad Uzbadul a little bit "unepic"?

Like I feel the model of these units should be much more armoured with lots of heavy plate or something like that (for exampe like the new model of the Veterans of Khazad Dum - they look so badass!).


But maybe that's just me. Awesome work so far guys. This mod really brings me back to this game of my childhood. Love it.

In Topic: Misty Mountains Faction Plan

25 November 2020 - 11:38 PM

I feel like the upgradeable stone trolls are lacking a little bit of punch or at least tankyness.

They are so damn costly when fully upgraded but still get shot down so fast by archers oder killed by heroes.


I feel like for a unit of that kind of investment it's disappointing (yet the look is so cool - great work from you guys!).