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Member Since 04 Jan 2015
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#1080435 We need to talk about Pacific Front.

Posted by Destroyencio on 18 March 2018 - 10:39 AM

Great, now you two are using AdmiralPit's point of thinking. "If X is nerfed then it should be recompensated". That's the bullshit which both of you called out on him but are aggresively practising now. Which side are you on finally?



First because Blizzards weren't very good at all (not to mention the friendly fire issues).


Second because the main core of the Pacific Front army during 3.3.0 to 3.3.2 were Eagles to snipe stuff down and Tortoises/Suppressor to crush & destroy everything. Blizzards weren't really worth all (and even worse if you had infantry in your army). The only thing that remains as it is are the Zephyrs and those need range to be good, since as soon as you get close to them they're easy to destroy.


Third because if the main strong points of a faction gets nerfed to the point where isn't worth the money anymore, then means that you need something to make the faction worth playing. And okay Blizzards got nice buffs, but still nobody mentions this:
- nerf: Blizzard Tank price increased from $1200 to $1350

It's a huge price increase, not just a 50$ price tag. Count also that it increases the building time.

TL;DR: Since the main strength of the PF got nerfed, i'm fine with Blizzards having buffs to give PF other alternatives of fighting.

#1080406 We need to talk about Pacific Front.

Posted by Destroyencio on 17 March 2018 - 10:54 PM

Hailstorms are expensive, take a lot of time to fire and are also slow as fuck, not to mention they also take a lot of time to build. They do not require any nerfs.


Tortoises got nerfed, Black Eagles (and the other jets too) got nerfed, Suppressors also got nerfed. I still don't understand why you want to nerf PF into the ground. The Blizzard tank buff was (I assume) to compensate for all those nerfs they got, and to be honest i'm really fine with the faction atm. For once it's a faction that is interesting to play with more variety of units, rather than just spam tortoises, snipe tech with 8 eagles and win. 


What's next, nerf Kappas just for the lols?


Most of those complaints feel biased already, specially after playing myself for many months with players that complain a lot about the Allies being "overpowered" trough Discord and Voice chat.

#1078186 Patch 3.3.3 Proposed Changelog

Posted by Destroyencio on 19 February 2018 - 10:40 PM

Latin's don't need the Catastrophe HP buff. Those have a lot of Firepower, can be customizable and can also attack both ground and air. Appart from that, they have decent speed and are cheap to get after you get industrial plant. Not to mention Latin has emphasis on smoke weapons (other than the general Dustdevil) with Smoke Bombs and Smoke Turret, making ground units even have harder time to destroy Catas.


Latin already gets their Fury Drones and Vultures buffed, along with the many general soviet buffs. They don't need the HP buff, specially with the Pteranodons nerfed.

#1061646 Patch 3.3.2 Proposed Changelog

Posted by Destroyencio on 07 July 2017 - 12:39 AM

NorthFireZ is right. This game is becoming too much an "abuse that to win".

Basically there are plenty of things that are really abusable and countering them is an annoyance more than a feature. 

For example: 8 Stormchildren/BEagles destroying your tech like nothing and with minimal loses (1 or 2 loses and sometimes not even that). Even if it's surrounded by AA. Why? First cause AA in this game is really weak. Flaks/Gatts do piss damage on planes, and Patriots/Shrikes just miss the target all the time. Second: cause Black Widow increases armor of jets and also DECREASES AA's armor. Seriously, why? This is really unfair. 


At least things like Zorbs got nerfed and they're in a good state now. But seriously, now with Pteranodons, the nerf that they had before IT'S needed. No way a Heavy Aircraft with 850 HP and heavy armor do hit 'n run attacks without almost taking dmg because AAs are either weak or slow af. 


Hope this post is not ignored, cause right now and for quite some time already Allied jets and air units in general have been too overwhelming in general.

#1056461 Favorite Main Battle Tank

Posted by Destroyencio on 17 April 2017 - 12:21 AM

I forgot to post here :p


Jaguar Tank. Mobile, has better armor than other mobile tanks and nice firepower, easy to mass and for decent price (800$). Favours early rushes and harassment.

The jaguar pilots (or desperated drivers however they are called) doesn't have to be underestimated either! They can pack a good punch in an Area of Effect (good vs infantry too!) and recapture unmanned vehicles which is nice!

#1054109 MO 3.3 // Overused/Underused/NotUsed Units, Buildings & Support Powers

Posted by Destroyencio on 13 March 2017 - 01:50 PM

Hijackers are good combined with Shadow Ring. Dybbuk-Es are useful a lot, specially with most of Epsi players going infantry. Infantry is the major powersource of Epsilon thanks to Cloning Vats and having solid and flexible infantry. Vs Foehn they're useful too.

#1049230 MO 3.3 // Overused/Underused/NotUsed Units, Buildings & Support Powers

Posted by Destroyencio on 31 January 2017 - 02:35 PM

Can you stop discusing about RA2 in a this forum/thread? Go to xwis forums for that

#997796 MO3.0 Feedback // BALANCING

Posted by Destroyencio on 16 March 2015 - 02:27 PM

This post is centered in my opinion (and some online MO players):

I think that heroes must be nerfed. Some of them can act as one man army (Libra, Tanya) and that's unfair. 


Libra has a lot of dmg and also outranges a lot of vehicles/infantry and even outrun them. It is not fun to see every Psicorps playing rushing Libra and killing your entire army with Libra and clones with no effort. I suggest to nerf the movement speed and damage, at least in skirmish mode.


Tanya has a lot of damage, but the real problem is that she is very mobile and if well managed can kill your entire army (or great part of it) with good skill.


Volkov is a tank with legs. 700 HP is to much for an hero that disables tanks every shot. It is also difficult to kill him with an Airstrike because he has too much HP and armor.


Yunru is ok, but maybe he needs a little nerf to the EMP AoE because is too wide.


Siege heroes like Siegfried and Morales are IMO balanced because they're not as fast as Tanya and Libra and they're easily caught.


Rahn I think it is the most balanced hero.


Norio is fast and has great damage and it can even win 1 vs 1 to an AA turrets, maybe a little nerf to his damage/durability should work.


Malver is stealth, and can support scorpion cell troops with his deploy ability. If he is detected it is useless, so no problem.


I hope that you can see why I think that some heroes are over powered and should be nerfed. Thanks for creating this mod!