Creature: Cho-Jai and Kalin-Jai
Description: Large insect type creatures from underground. Humanoid, but with four arms and a chitinous outer exterior. Also has mandibles. The Kalin-Jai are barely larger than dwarfs, while the Cho-Jai are somewhat taller than humans. Kalin-Jai are considered stupid, while Cho-Jai have the intellegence of a average human. Also, they are skilled craftsmen, being able to use the exoskeleton of dead Cho-Jai or Kalin-Jai as a building material for things such as weapons and other items.
First Encountered By: Kaine
Manner: Neutral, though aggressive when provoked.
Member Since 02 Mar 2007Offline Last Active Mar 07 2007 04:33 PM