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Member Since 16 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2022 10:05 AM

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In Topic: Pls help connect two copies RA3 in 1 router

06 February 2022 - 03:23 PM

Ok. I'm accept this, we play some games with son with this options. But i just want to know - why cnc-online can't connect in one LAN? And why RA3 (without cnc or with cnc) don't see other player in LAN ("network" in game)

In Topic: Pls help connect two copies RA3 in 1 router

06 February 2022 - 02:26 PM

Well, i found temporary solution, but this is bad solution. First RA3 copy i started like always, but second i started with change internet source of computer (connect VPN to my work computer in other physical area). Then game work in cnc-online and we connecting fine. But i don't like it, because i want play in LAN. I don't have constant free VPN service. I don't really trust free VPN servise like windscribe, and it's possible slow down the connection. Maybe i'm wrong