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Member Since 19 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2015 04:38 AM

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problem to start game with C&C:Online

23 January 2015 - 03:15 AM

I buy the ultimate collection pack for command and conquer:

i download ZERO HOUR and RED Alert 3

when i start zero hour, say: the installation not foud: i try the bipper and gentool and notting work....

when i start the RED alert: sometime say: unable to laucht game and sometime no error but c and c online lagging and the game NEVER start??

is possible to play online with ULTIMATE COLLECTION???

C&C:Online work with Ultimate Collection for command and conquer?

21 January 2015 - 02:36 AM

i need to buy ultimate collection for command and conquer but i am not sure is work with CandC online....?

like this: https://www.origin.c...tandard-edition


my other question,he has a way of knowing which game is the play on the server revora among all the command and conquer (online) ????? he was always a lot of people playing it?