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Member Since 02 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2010 11:53 AM

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Would like to help make Multiplayer/Skirmish Maps

02 April 2007 - 11:55 AM

Hey, I seen this mod and it looks ace (voted for the custom pal options btw) and was going to dust off my YR and make a few maps for it. I've done a bit of mapping ages ago and was going to develop a few specific maps, Naval themed, Air themed, mass land themed, city themed etc

but i read in another topic that normal maps will not run this mod? How do they differ? Im guessing if you get your wish in RP that the tile sets will be different in the map maker?

I was planning after my A-levels in 3 months to make a bunch of maps and submit them to the author of this mod, (that is if he needs wants maps for his mod?) I want to help out in this way since i know a bit on mapping, but i know no hard coding or how to skinning etc (although i can tinker with a few INI files yet scripting is not a strong point for me so I may not make any campaign maps)

Well if you are interested in a few skirmish/multiplayer maps, please let me know, as I say it will be like 3 months before i can start but ill contact you closer to the time if you are still interested

till then good luck with the mod! (and beta release)
