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Member Since 02 Sep 2021
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2022 03:38 AM

Topics I've Started

Re-animating older models with newer existing animations question.

31 January 2022 - 04:38 PM

I have always been a fan of the older Guardsmen model from the original DoW campaign, I think it looks close to the model on the tabletop, however their animations are quite goofy and need updating.


I have been toying around with replacing the newer guardsmen models from WA and up with the older model from the original DoW so it can use those animation sets.


That said, in order to make this happen I assume I have to merge the old model into the existing .ref file for newer guardsmen and re-attach the bones to that skin, correct?

Would I have to also merge the new skin into each individual animation file as well?


Is there an easier way to replace the skin (such as a find/replace) or do I have to manually attach the existing bones to the model I want?

Model exports from 3ds max and modeling questions

02 September 2021 - 12:29 AM

Hi all, 

I recently go into modeling and need some guidance on properly making changes.

I can make changes to a model, and export it successfully, it will open in OE however the part of the model I edited is just missing completely.


In this case, I was making changes to a guardsman model, here is what I did:


Opened the Ref.scene file in the reference folder of the model and made edits to guardsmen_body. I moved some vertices around as it seemed the easiest way to make change to the model, and exported it successfully.

I didn't make any other changes to the animation files in the animations folder.

I can open it in OE however the guardsmen_body is missing.


Am I editing the wrong file? Do I have to make changes to every guardsmen_body file in every animation .scene file to mirror the Ref file so the model shows up in-game?

If that's the case, what is the easiest way to merge the new body onto the exiting bone structure of all the animations, or is there an easier way to make model changes and I am missing it entirely?