I tried a new sort of buildingsystem. I have for example a building A in which a plot is, where u can build a building, in which a plot is, too, where u can build a tower or a well.
OK, I tried this code:
Object TESTCenterGeneric SelectPortrait = BPMFortress Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_01 DefaultModelConditionState Model = None End ModelConditionState = WORLD_BUILDER Model = NBasePin End End Side = Elves EditorSorting = STRUCTURE KindOf = IMMOBILE BASE_FOUNDATION CASTLE_CENTER Behavior = CastleBehavior ModuleTag_castle ;//Anything that does not fit this filter will be given to the neutral player, so the template can have rocks and props. FilterValidOwnedEntries = ANY +STRUCTURE +WALK_ON_TOP_OF_WALL +BASE_FOUNDATION +TACTICAL_MARKER End End Object EEELBENTEST SelectPortrait = BPRCamp_Citadel ; *** ART Parameters *** Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw OkToChangeModelColor = Yes UseStandardModelNames = Yes ; ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_01 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_02 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_03 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_04 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_05 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_06 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_07 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_08 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_09 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_10 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_11 ExtraPublicBone = ARROW_12 ; ExtraPublicBone = Glowbone02 ; ExtraPublicBone = Glowbone03 ; ExtraPublicBone = Glowbone04 DefaultModelConditionState Model = ibtent WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY ARROW_ ; ParticleSysBone = glowbone01 TorchGlow ; ParticleSysBone = glowbone02 TorchGlow ; ParticleSysBone = glowbone03 TorchGlow ; ParticleSysBone = glowbone04 TorchGlow End IdleAnimationState ;BeginScript ; Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() ; if Prev == "BeingConstructed" then ; Don't play completed sound when canceling build-in-progress or when ; destroyed halfway ; if not CurDrawableModelcondition( "DYING" ) then ; CurDrawablePlaySound("CampSoldierCompleteGeneric") ; end ; end ;EndScript End ;------------Build Up States ModelConditionState = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED Model = RBCCENTEROP_A ; ParticleSysBone = NONE BuildingDoughnutCloud ParticleSysBone = NONE BuildingContructDust End AnimationState = ACTIVELY_BEING_CONSTRUCTED Animation AnimationName = RBCCenterOP_A.RBCCenterOP_A AnimationMode = MANUAL End BeginScript ;CurDrawableHideSubObject("FIRE02") CurDrawablePlaySound("GondorBarracksBeginConstruction") CurDrawablePlaySound("BuildingTopple") EndScript End ;------------Build Up States ModelConditionState = BASE_BUILD Model = RBCCENTEROP_A ; ParticleSysBone = NONE BuildingDoughnutCloud ParticleSysBone = NONE BuildingContructDust End AnimationState = BASE_BUILD Animation AnimationName = RBCCenterOP_A.RBCCenterOP_A AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 0 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 2.0 2.0; 300 frame anim, but need to shrink down to 5 seconds End BeginScript CurDrawablePlaySound("GondorBarracksBeginConstruction") CurDrawablePlaySound("BuildingTopple") EndScript End ModelConditionState = JUST_BUILT Model = RBCCENTEROP_A ; ParticleSysBone = NONE BuildingDoughnutCloud ParticleSysBone = NONE BuildingContructDust End AnimationState = JUST_BUILT Animation AnimationName = RBCCenterOP_A.RBCCenterOP_A AnimationMode = MANUAL AnimationBlendTime = 0 End Flags = START_FRAME_FIRST End ModelConditionState = DAMAGED Model = RBCCENTEROP_D1 ParticleSysBone NONE BuildingDamaged ParticleSysBone dustbone01 TrebuchetImpactDebris ; ParticleSysBone = glowbone01 TorchGlow ; ParticleSysBone = glowbone02 TorchGlow ; ParticleSysBone = glowbone03 TorchGlow ; ParticleSysBone = glowbone04 TorchGlow End AnimationState = DAMAGED EnteringStateFX = FX_BuildingDamaged End ModelConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED Model = RBCCENTEROP_D2 ParticleSysBone dustbone01 TrebuchetImpactDebris ParticleSysBone NONE SmokeBuildingMediumRubble End AnimationState = REALLYDAMAGED EnteringStateFX = FX_BuildingReallyDamaged End ModelConditionState = RUBBLE Model = RBCCENTEROP_D2 ParticleSysBone dustbone01 BuildingChunkBitsTrail ParticleSysBone NONE Explosion5 End AnimationState = RUBBLE End ModelConditionState = POST_RUBBLE Model = GBGenRubble ParticleSysBone NONE SmokeBuildingMediumRubble End AnimationState = POST_RUBBLE End ModelConditionState = POST_COLLAPSE Model = GBGenRubble ParticleSysBone NONE SmokeBuildingMediumRubble End AnimationState = POST_COLLAPSE End End ; *** AUDIO Parameters *** VoiceSelect = RohanCitadelSelect SoundOnDamaged = BuildingLightDamageWood SoundOnReallyDamaged = BuildingHeavyDamageWood VoiceSelectUnderConstruction = BuildingGoodVoiceSelectUnderConstruction UnitSpecificSounds UnderConstruction = BuildingBigConstructionLoop ; Built first time ; UnderRepairFromDamage = NoSound ; Repaired No animation on the building, so don't bother playing sound UnderRepairFromRubble = BuildingBigConstructionLoop ; Repaired from completely destroyed (not used???) End EvaEventDieOwner = CitadelDie ; ***DESIGN parameters *** DisplayName = OBJECT:RohanOutpost Side = Elves EditorSorting = STRUCTURE ThreatLevel = 1.0 BuildCost = 800; 1000 BuildTime = 30.0 ; in seconds ShroudClearingRange = 300 ; CommandSet = GenericKeepCommandSet;GenericOutpostCommandSet ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = CitadelArmor DamageFX = None End ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** KindOf = VITAL_FOR_BASE_SURVIVAL STRUCTURE SELECTABLE IMMOBILE MP_COUNT_FOR_VICTORY FS_FACTORY AUTO_RALLYPOINT MADE_OF_WOOD SCORE GARRISON CAN_ATTACK GARRISONABLE_UNTIL_DESTROYED RadarPriority = STRUCTURE VisionRange = 300.0 ; Shroud clearing distance KeepSelectableWhenDead = Yes Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 2700; ROHAN_CENTRAL_CAMP_KEEP_HEALTH End Behavior = GettingBuiltBehavior ModuleTag_04 SelfBuildingLoop = BuildingBigConstructionLoop ; Only played if we DON'T spawn a worker; SelfRepairFromDamageLoop = NoSound ; This doesn't cause an animation, so don't bother playing a sound SelfRepairFromRubbleLoop = BuildingBigConstructionLoop End Behavior = CastleMemberBehavior ModuleTag_CMB BeingBuiltSound = BuildingBigConstructionLoop End ;----------------------------------------------- ;Used for hero revival and initial construction Behavior = ProductionUpdate ProductionUpdateModuleTag ; nothing, but is required if we have any Object-level Upgrades! End Behavior = QueueProductionExitUpdate ModuleTag_QueuePEU UnitCreatePoint = X:0.0 Y:-20.0 Z:0.0 NaturalRallyPoint = X:28.8 Y:-80.0 Z:0.0;NaturalRallyPointX must always match GeometryMajorRadius! ExitDelay = 300;Handles delays between units if multiple produced at a time. End ;----------------------------------------------- ; ; Won't-rebuild bug, scrapped out - Left as a warning ; Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_SoWeCanUseWeapon ; AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ; MoodAttackCheckRate = 250 ; End Behavior = AutoDepositUpdate AutoDepositModuleTag DepositTiming = GENERIC_KEEP_MONEY_TIME ; in milliseconds DepositAmount = 10; GENERIC_KEEP_MONEY_AMOUNT ; cash amount to deposit every DepositTiming InitialCaptureBonus = 0 ; no initial bonus End ; Note that structures with "RUBBLE" states should not use DestroyDie; such buildings are ; never truly destroyed, even when reduced to zero health. Also note that garrisonable ; buildings automatically stick around because GarrisonContain has it's own DieModule Behavior = KeepObjectDie ModuleTag_IWantRubble End Behavior = StructureCollapseUpdate ModuleTag_06 MinCollapseDelay = 000 MaxCollapseDelay = 000 CollapseDamping = .5 MaxShudder = 0.6 MinBurstDelay = 250 MaxBurstDelay = 800 BigBurstFrequency = 4 FXList = INITIAL FX_StructureMediumCollapse End Behavior = RubbleRiseUpdate ModuleTag_07 MinRubbleRiseDelay = 000 MaxRubbleRiseDelay = 000 ;RubbleRiseDamping = .5 RubbleHeight = 4.0 MaxShudder = 0.6 MinBurstDelay = 250 MaxBurstDelay = 800 BigBurstFrequency = 4 FXList = INITIAL FX_StructureMediumPostCollapse ;;FX_StructureMediumCollapse End Behavior = CastleBehavior ModuleTag_castle CastleToUnpackForFaction = Mordor Outpost_Bruchtal CastleToUnpackForFaction = Isengard Outpost_Bruchtal CastleToUnpackForFaction = Men Outpost_Bruchtal CastleToUnpackForFaction = Elves Outpost_Bruchtal CastleToUnpackForFaction = Dwarves Outpost_Bruchtal CastleToUnpackForFaction = Wild Outpost_Bruchtal //Anything that does not fit this filter will be given to the neutral player, so the template can have rocks and props. FilterValidOwnedEntries = ANY +STRUCTURE +WALK_ON_TOP_OF_WALL +BASE_FOUNDATION +TACTICAL_MARKER MaxCastleRadius = 130.0 InstantUnpack = Yes KeepDeathKillsEverything = Yes EvaEnemyCastleSightedEvent = EnemyFortressSighted End Geometry = CYLINDER GeometryMajorRadius = 37.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 0 GeometryHeight = 16.0 AdditionalGeometry = CYLINDER GeometryMajorRadius = 12.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 0 GeometryHeight = 95.0 GeometryIsSmall = No Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME AttackContactPoint = X:-0.489 Y:1.954 Z:133.674 Swoop AttackContactPoint = X:0 Y:0 Z:0 End ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Rohan Building Foundation -- the area where faction rohan buildings can be built on Object TestBuildingFoundation SelectPortrait = BPRCamp_Plot ; *** ART Parameters *** Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_Draw2 DefaultModelConditionState Model = EBFoundation End ModelConditionState = WORLD_BUILDER Model = EBFoundation End End Draw = W3DFloorDraw ModuleTag_Draw ModelName = EBFoundation End ;PlacementViewAngle = 0 ; ***DESIGN parameters *** DisplayName = OBJECT:RohanBuildingFoundation Side = Elves EditorSorting = STRUCTURE ThreatLevel = 1.0 BuildCost = 1 BuildTime = 5.0 ; in seconds VisionRange = 160.0 ; Shroud clearing distance ShroudClearingRange = 160 CommandSet = TestCommandSet ; *** AUDIO Parameters *** VoiceSelect = Gui_PlotSelect ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = STRUCTURE KindOf = STRUCTURE SELECTABLE IMMOBILE BASE_FOUNDATION UNATTACKABLE MP_COUNT_FOR_VICTORY NO_COLLIDE DO_NOT_CLASSIFY Behavior = FoundationAIUpdate ModuleTag_foundationAI End Behavior = CastleMemberBehavior ModuleTag_CMB End Body = ImmortalBody ModuleTag_05 MaxHealth = 15000.0 End Geometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 24.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 24.0 GeometryHeight = 0.8 GeometryIsSmall = No Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME BuildCompletion = PLACED_BY_PLAYER End
But, if u want to place the building, so you see the transparent building, u see the bse-File perfectly. But if it is built up, there's nothing. Really nothing, where u can select it or sth. else. The bse-File is correct, i compard it to your tutorial.