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Member Since 25 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2018 09:12 PM

#1033689 Is possible force a player be observer?

Posted by Mako on 08 July 2016 - 06:47 PM

Is possible with script or map.ini force a player be Observer?

#1032082 Mako maps: League of Lords

Posted by Mako on 13 June 2016 - 07:07 PM

After huge effort and thanks in particular to Gannicus for code, I finished it.
It's a 3v3 + 2 AI map where you can purchase only heroes (but all) and choose wich wave goes to enemy fortress.
Attached File  League of Lords.zip   530.58KB   71 downloads
P.s: you can play also 1v1 and selectin 6 AI. Only a thing choose the correct spots! Pls report any bug, crash and your awesome match! I need to see what is fair and what not.
Some screenshot:
1. Start position. 2 AI must stay in the corner!
game 2016-06-13 17-34-30-61.jpg
2. Choose area BLUE to see tutorial!
game 2016-06-13 17-34-50-87.jpg
3. Recruit all heroes & See how much kills you do
game 2016-06-13 17-35-11-16.jpg
4. Use your powers to increase your resources or defeat your enemy!
game 2016-06-13 17-35-14-00.jpg

#1025945 Fog "problem"

Posted by Mako on 22 February 2016 - 11:01 PM
