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Member Since 07 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2005 05:49 AM

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In Topic: Astrology

30 April 2005 - 05:43 AM

Well... astrology might ve worthless in its context, but to be truthfull some things in astrology are true to perfectly normal things. Here's an example.

Cancers are known to be sexually wild and tend to have hidden emotions. They also use their feelings when doing anything and love people who think with their brains. Scientificly, the ones who are born in mid-summer (where most people live in the northern hemesphere - hence why people who live southerner have lower belives in astrology) often leave the hospital in a few weeks and gain first amounts of sunlight during july. The Sunspot Cycle normally peaks around this point, causing larger amounts of X-Ray to be emmited but lower amounts of Gamma. X Ray has the side effect of affecting internal organs and thus affecting hormon growth. Lower gamma means a slightly slower brain damage rate, causing them to address their feelings (lying in the slightly deeper mamalian brain) and like people who don't get affected by this effect; hence why they love people who use their thoughts (the humanoid brain).

That's that for today's biology class. Good Day! :)

In Topic: Love

24 April 2005 - 02:58 AM

On the scientific verge of the topic, it's essential that accepting some "feeling" such as that, that it can't just be made up of overloaded hormones and the like. If it does, that in theory it should be possible to force someone to fall in love by adding hormons manually or it could happen in unexpected overgrouth of hormon producers.

I recon an analysis a while ago about how people tend to fall in love with people who look alike with important people in their lives (e.g parents, old friends, babysitters when they were young, elementry school teachers, etc)... :p