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Member Since 26 Dec 2021
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2023 05:32 PM

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Make the Allied More Fun!

05 June 2023 - 12:37 AM

The Allied teams seem pretty underwhelming in this game, where's the fun? The other teams all have really cool units, crazy superpowers and generally feel fun to play, the Allied factions all feel really weak and are just lacking the "X Factor" that make the other teams stand out. I'm sure if you were to do a poll of favourite factions, the Allied teams would be in dead last position with a solid 20% lead in front of them.
Compared to the original RA2, the Allied weren't so great in a stand-up fight against the Soviets, but they could win out if they made use of their tactics to maximise their units. A great example is the G.I. vs the conscript, for the same money in a straight fight, the conscript wins, but if the Allied player deploys their G.I., then they can win, but this comes with the downside of rendering them immobile, which the Soviet player can counter. In Mental Omega, the conscripts will beat deployed G.I.s on the same cost, so what's the point in even deploying them? To get unit parity with a Soviet player dumping out conscripts you'd need to perform insane levels of micromanagement to keep them out of range while dealing damage that it's just unreasonable and strays into  "This is incredibly unfun" territory. To say that the Seals can't even kill their cost in conscripts is something that is so ridiculous that I can't believe that this is in the game and nobody challenged it during development. Where is the fun? Because it isn't in any of the Allied units outside of maybe the Abrams, they are underpowered and are lacking the "coolness" factor that has been doubled down on the other factions with their abundance of units that get to do cool things like shoot out giant exploding laser beams, melt people into puddles of liquid poison, fire lightning bolts across the map, go invisible, be giant 1-man-army superunits, have crazy psychic powers and all sorts of other things. What do the Allied units get? A few units that can freeze people, shoot really weak lasers, and 1-2 that can use some sort of time-based attacks. Not that those are bad, but they feel really really underwhelming when compared to the wacky things the other teams are allowed to do. Does someone on the design team just have a serious dislike for the Allied teams and not want to give them ANYTHING cool or something?
Let's compare powers next. Where are the fun Allied powers? Other teams get to do all sorts of crazy things like spraying toxic gas around, irradiate your own troops to give them a passive AoE effect, transform enemy units into brutes, summon defensive structures out of the ground, and the ability to supercharge your units into transformed super-cool variants of them. What do the Allied teams get? Superweak laser attacks that aren't even strong enough to kill most infantry, airdropping worthless Bloodhound jeeps (this is so useful and fun compared to the Soviet tank drop), the ability to temporarily get more power (wow, also fun), or the ability to teleport buildings around but only in limited areas (???). I'm not even going to touch how badly chronoshift was butchered, or the eternal disappointment that has always been the lightning storm. I ask again, where's the fun?
Anyway, that's all I've got. I don't know if anyone will read this since these forums aren't too active, but I thought I'd voice my opinion, and hope that the developers put some thought towards giving the Allied teams a little more "fun factor" in the future.