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Member Since 18 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2016 01:05 AM

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In Topic: BFME2 Animation Conversion.

20 January 2016 - 12:20 AM

So with SEE's new Battlewagon... are those fixed animations made compatible with BFME1? 
And if I may make a wholly selfish request... perhaps you could at one point convert the Battlewagon to horse-drawn chariot proportions, maybe using horse animations, even. Maybe even dual horses.
I have long wanted a proper chariot skeleton for these games. :p
And a Haradrim faction fielding them...


Battlewagon anims work with w3d importer, except for 1 (dying I think)


also the attack anim needs to be reworked because horses won't ram the enemy like those rhino beasts, everything else is just importing some cavalry anims and slight editing - time consuming but not hard

In Topic: Shadow of Mordor

13 December 2015 - 02:33 PM

Soo, this game might actually be modable, though it seems like a pain



Since the combat system isn't too bad and once some stuff is removed (like last chance, using healing herbs in combat and some of the overpowered wraith abilities) it could actually be great, the real question is, does is allow modding beyond small changes - like is changing the world, story and characters possible