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Member Since 22 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2007 11:29 PM

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In Topic: Screen Shots for Beta 4.5

03 August 2007 - 05:17 PM

To add more variation to the gondor soldiers without the heavy armor glitch is to maybe have some of the soldiers carry only a sword and no shield. In the movies when it shows the orcs pillaging minas tirith you see that most of the gondor soldiers wield only swords.

LUA varitety of weapons and maybe some guys could be left handed and carry the swords and shields lefty style? You know mix and match.

In Topic: Screen Shots for Beta 4.5

01 August 2007 - 06:45 PM

(Sorry I had to) Add "Long hair" at the back of the helmets with diferent colors just look at the "movie" pics.

In Topic: Screen Shots for Beta 4.5

31 July 2007 - 05:51 PM

Why the green words?

Please investigate!

I think I might be able to help you. Just set "Model Detail" in the graphics customation menu to ultra high.
Then set everything else to the way you want it. It worked for me playing on the medium graphics setting with ultra hign model detail with no lag.

In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta 4.5

21 June 2007 - 09:04 PM

Well that's a pertty good idea but the idea is that it's a battlefield any civilians stupid enough to stay would perish. It's meant to be empty save for trees, the wind, the animals and the birds.

This idea I thought of would only go for maps which were shown in the movie. For instance the shire would never be empty because the shire was mainly in peace (except for the attacks on it by goblins) and there were shirrifs (guards) to guard the borders of Buckland, Hobbiton and many orther parts of the Shire from wolves, orcs and orther enemies. So if there was an enemy approaching the bell would ring and civilians would hide and the shirrifs would go and form a party and attack the enemy. (This goes for the Shire map only)

Now I wish I could delete this post :p .

In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta 4.5

21 June 2007 - 07:08 PM

One thing I always noticed in the game when I play is that the maps seem very boring and empty (EA's fault of course :ninja:) And I always wondered if there were new ways to make the maps like a living world. Here are some examples.

Make places like (Erebor, Shire, Minas Tirith, etc) Act like a city with civilians and new buildings. There are tons of unused buildings and models to create stuff like this. Make the people act like individuals as a normal city would.

If under attack they scream and run for shelter (like minas tirith) or if in peace they shop at marketplaces or go back to homes or garden the crop fields for food and brings money to your ecenomy (like the shire etc) The dwarves would mine for mithril or diamonds or gold (remember the intro movie in BFME2) and that would be extra money for your ecenomy.

For fortress maps have the soldiers standing guard at the gates and doors and have soldiers open the gates themselves (like Minas Tirith and Helms deep). Instead of the gate magically opening by itself.

Just think of the Shire and Minas Tirith and Helms Deep this is a movie mod and if that were added this would be one of the most popular mods ever.

But this would be serious work but it would be worth it :D.