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Member Since 15 Mar 2022
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[RA3] Is it known if the CNConline tool has ever worked with WINE/linux?

19 March 2022 - 09:00 PM

I've been trying to get my CNC games running under Linux using WINE.
For Generals/Zero Hour, GenTool works, but also, just redirecting all the ea and gamespy address strings found in the executables to server.cnc-online.net via the hosts file also works fine.  But, this method doesn't seem to work for RA3 or CNC3.
The cnconline.exe runs fine under WINE.  But when trying to connect in game, the backend server is never found.  Sniffing the network traffic, I don't see it even trying to contact the cnc-online server.  The log file looks like this:

----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Red Alert 3
Red Alert 3 Install Path: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Red Alert 3\
Started game with: "RA3.exe "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Red Alert 3. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.

If I check which processes are running while the game is running, I do not see "game.dat", but the closest thing is:
RA3_1.12.game (C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Red Alert 3\Data\RA3_1.12.game -config C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Red Alert 3\RA3_english_1.12.SkuDef).
Hooking appears to modify a debugger path in the registry, but it doesn't not appear WINE actually follows it, and instead the game just runs normally.
If anyone has any ideas, I'll try them.  Or, if this is known impossible, that's fine too.