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Member Since 27 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2007 11:31 AM

Topics I've Started

Command Buttons

19 July 2007 - 07:31 PM

How do i make the Command Button of lets say... a tower change its name.

So far i have

CommandButton Command_ConstructMordorBattleTower
Command = UNIT_BUILD
Object = MordorBattleTower
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:TD1DL
ShowProductionCount = Yes

in my ini file and:

"Arrow Tower"

"The most simple tower there is."

in my str file.

But when im in game the command buttons stay the same. HELP!! ^_^

Oh and i dont want anyone stealing these ideas ©.

An odd thing.

01 July 2007 - 04:13 PM

Ok some people are having issues when quitting from my new map Crysis. When they quit from the map they get errors.

Everytime I go to exit, it crashes my game.

my comp crashed to when i exit.

I used to get it i think. Something about runtime error.

If anyone knows anything about this it would be appricated.

Module Tags

03 June 2007 - 06:39 PM

Does anyone know Aragorns and Saurons ActiveBody Module Tag?? For changing his ammount of health.

structure troubles

23 May 2007 - 04:38 PM

ok i have a a structure which outputs green glowing from Minas Morgul map. I find this very irritating and i have no idea how to remove it.

Here is the pic.

Command points coding.

20 May 2007 - 08:50 PM

ok i have a problem. I have made .ini file for editing the command points of some units but for some reason when i play the map the command points are fine but when the units are made it completely ignores the command point coding. what sis this about.

Here is a Example of what i have done:

Object DwarvenGaurdianHorde
BuildCost = 150
BuildTime = 1.5
CommandPoints = 40