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Adding Passenger Ability for Heroes/ starting unit

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#1 Extelleron

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Posted 24 March 2005 - 03:13 PM

While this is kind of self-explainable, someone wanted to know how to
add passengers to heroes so here it is....

Adding a Passenger ability for Faramir and Gandalf/other heroes that have passenger bones
by Extelleron

Commandset.ini (optional, will work without.)

Well, adding a passenger bone ability is very easy since its already all there,
all you have to do is take out the ;.
The following heroes have passenger bones that can be used so any neutral or friendly hobbit
can mount with them: Gandalf, Theoden, Faramir, and Eomer. Treebeard has 2 passenger bones too, but
I've yet to find a behavior and haven't tried anything with him yet.
Also, Aragorn has a passenger bone to throw Gimli, im trying that out today.
Let's take a look at Gandalf's file. Under the ENGINEERING PERIMETERs section you will find

       ;	Behavior = TransportContain ModuleTag_TransportContainTag
;  ObjectStatusOfContained = UNSELECTABLE
;  PassengerFilter = NONE +HOBBIT
;  Slots = 1
;  ShowPips = No
;  AllowEnemiesInside = No
;  AllowNeutralInside = Yes
;  AllowAlliesInside  = Yes
;  DamagePercentToUnits = 0%
;  TypeOneForWeaponSet = HOBBIT
;  PassengerBonePrefix = PassengerBone:PASSENGERBONE     KindOf:HOBBIT
;  EjectPassengersOnDeath = Yes
;  ConditionForEntry = ModelConditionState: MOUNTED
;	End

Well, like I said this is simple, just take out the ;. Allowing neutrals inside doesn't matter
much because how many times do you come across a neutral hobbit? You can obviously let any hero
mount with Gandalf, by changing passenger filter to NONE +HERO, but its pointlesas because there
is no animations and the hero will be invisible forever, even when he dismounts from the hero.

The second thing is optional, your mounting thing will work absolutely fine without it. However, if
you want, in the hero's commandset, you can add the following line:

1 (or whatever number) = Command_SpecialAbilityGrabPassenger

Gandalf already has this in his CommandSet, however it won't show up because Gandy already has
a full palantir. WIthout this command, for the hobbit to mount, you simply click on the hobbit, then
right click on the hero, like combining two hordes. You can do it opposite too: Hero right
click on hobbit. With the commandbutton added, you can click the commandbutton and then right
click on the hobbit. Pretty much pointless. The coolest thing is the hobbit earns experience as
your mounted hero kills enemies.
To get the hobbit off the horse, I believe you have to dismount the hero himself. I haven't really
experimented with it yet, but if any of you finds a command button to dismount the hobbit please
tell me and ill add it here.

NOTE: I've been informed that adding this line to your commandset wil enable you to dismount the hobbit:
1 = Command_TransportEvacuate

While Aragorn has a behavior to throw Gimli, it needs some animation. When you combine Aragorn with Gimli, Gimli goes invisible. When you throw Gimli, he remains invisible. So, scratch that idea for now.


Edited by Extelleron, 25 March 2005 - 04:51 PM.

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#2 Hostile


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 04:34 PM

Thanx for sharing your wisdom. :)

#3 steve_randle

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 06:32 AM

great..thanks a lot
°^v^°i'LL BeAt tHe TaR oUt Of yOu°^v^°

#4 Extelleron

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 04:55 PM

I have successfully added a new starting unit for Gondor. Even though everyone I've heard says it doesnt work, you CAN add a new starting unit for faction in Player Template

PlayerTemplate FactionGondor
Side = Gondor
PlayableSide = Yes
Evil = No
StartMoney = 0
MaxLevelMP = 32
MaxLevelSP = 78 ;80
PreferredColor = R:43 G:150 B:179
IntrinsicSciences = SCIENCE_GOOD
IntrinsicSciencesMP = SCIENCE_GONDOR
SpellBook = GoodSpellBook
SpellBookMp = GondorSpellBook
PurchaseScienceCommandSet = GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP = GondorSpellStoreCommandSet
;SpecialPowerShortcutCommandSet = SpecialPowerShortcutChina
;SpecialPowerShortcutWinName = GenPowersShortcutBarChina.wnd
;SpecialPowerShortcutButtonCount = 5
DisplayName = INI:FactionGondor
StartingBuilding = GondorStable
StartingUnit0 = GondorBoromir
DefaultPlayerAIType = GondorSkirmishAI
;ScoreScreenImage = China_ScoreScreen
;LoadScreenImage = SNFactionLogoPage_China
;LoadScreenMusic = Load_China
;FlagWaterMark = WatermarkChina
;EnabledImage = SSObserverChina
BeaconName = MultiplayerBeacon
;SideIconImage = GameinfoCHINA
LightPointsUpSound = GondorLightPointsUp
ObjectiveAddedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
ObjectiveCompletedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
InitialUpgrade[FONT=Arial]s = Upgrade_GondorFaction ;Any upgrades this player template is born with.
BuildableHeroesMP = GondorGandalf GondorBoromir GondorFaramir RohanPippin RohanFrodo ElvenArmond
SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower

I've only added one unit so far, but it does work. You CAN also add a starting building as in the above code, however it will spawn right outside your citadel so it looks dumb.
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#5 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 09:30 PM

i have tried the passenger abilityand it works wonderfully with horses but then when trying to code it for an Eagle i found so many mistakes that i gave up ...
i tried to copy it from the Fellbeast but it didnt work either
could u explain me quickly (if u know) how to code it ? Do i need a new skin ?
thx in advance

#6 RedNalDron


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 09:51 PM

I have successfully added a new starting unit for Gondor. Even though everyone I've heard says it doesnt work, you CAN add a new starting unit for faction in Player Template

PlayerTemplate FactionGondor
Side              = Gondor
PlayableSide      = Yes
Evil    = No
StartMoney        = 0
MaxLevelMP  = 32
MaxLevelSP  = 78 ;80
PreferredColor    = R:43 G:150 B:179
IntrinsicSciences = SCIENCE_GOOD
IntrinsicSciencesMP = SCIENCE_GONDOR
SpellBook  = GoodSpellBook
SpellBookMp  = GondorSpellBook
PurchaseScienceCommandSet = GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP = GondorSpellStoreCommandSet
;SpecialPowerShortcutCommandSet = SpecialPowerShortcutChina
;SpecialPowerShortcutWinName    = GenPowersShortcutBarChina.wnd
;SpecialPowerShortcutButtonCount = 5
DisplayName      = INI:FactionGondor
StartingBuilding  = GondorStable
StartingUnit0    = GondorBoromir
DefaultPlayerAIType = GondorSkirmishAI
;ScoreScreenImage  = China_ScoreScreen
;LoadScreenImage  = SNFactionLogoPage_China
;LoadScreenMusic  = Load_China
;FlagWaterMark    = WatermarkChina
;EnabledImage      = SSObserverChina
BeaconName        = MultiplayerBeacon
;SideIconImage    = GameinfoCHINA
LightPointsUpSound = GondorLightPointsUp
ObjectiveAddedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
ObjectiveCompletedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
InitialUpgrade[FONT=Arial]s = Upgrade_GondorFaction ;Any upgrades this player template is born with.
BuildableHeroesMP = GondorGandalf GondorBoromir GondorFaramir RohanPippin RohanFrodo  ElvenArmond
SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower

I've only added one unit so far, but it does work. You CAN also add a starting building as in the above code, however it will spawn right outside your citadel so it looks dumb.


i dont work, i added mordor fellbeast to StartingUnit0 and no change in game....
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#7 Extelleron

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 10:55 PM

There is no unit "MordorFellbeast". Add something like MordorFighterHorde or MordorSauron. It does work.

I'm not sure that you can do eagles. The eagle has a passenger ability but it is for picking up enemy units and killing them. You could probably change that exsisting passenger ability so it doesnt hurt units, I'll try it and write back.

Edited by Extelleron, 25 March 2005 - 10:56 PM.

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#8 RedNalDron


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:31 PM

"MordorFellBeast" is the object name of a nazgul

; Aka Nazgul, MordorNazgul, FlyingNazgul
Object MordorFellBeast

Edited by RedNalDron, 25 March 2005 - 11:32 PM.

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#9 Extelleron

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:35 PM

Well, It works for me. Are you sure you took out the ;? You can also change start money in Player Template too.

Edited by Extelleron, 25 March 2005 - 11:36 PM.

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#10 RedNalDron


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 11:39 PM

heres the code

PlayerTemplate FactionMordor
Side              = Mordor
PlayableSide      = Yes
Evil    = Yes
StartMoney        = 0
MaxLevelMP  = 44
MaxLevelSP  = 84
PreferredColor    = R:175 G:49 B:33
IntrinsicSciences = SCIENCE_EVIL
IntrinsicSciencesMP = SCIENCE_MORDOR
SpellBook  = EvilSpellBook
SpellBookMp  = MordorSpellBook
PurchaseScienceCommandSet = EvilSpellStoreCommandSet
PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP = MordorSpellStoreCommandSet
;SpecialPowerShortcutCommandSet = SpecialPowerShortcutGLA
;SpecialPowerShortcutWinName    = GenPowersShortcutBarGLA.wnd
;SpecialPowerShortcutButtonCount = 3
DisplayName      = INI:FactionMordor
DefaultPlayerAIType = MordorSkirmishAI
;StartingBuilding  = MordorBuildingFoundation
StartingUnit0    = MordorFellBeast
;ScoreScreenImage  = GLA_ScoreScreen
;LoadScreenImage  = SUFactionLogoPage_GLA
;LoadScreenMusic  = Load_GLA
;FlagWaterMark    = WatermarkGLA
;EnabledImage      = SSObserverGLA
BeaconName        = MultiplayerBeacon
;SideIconImage    = GameinfoGLA
LightPointsUpSound = MordorLightPointsUp
ObjectiveAddedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
ObjectiveCompletedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
InitialUpgrades = Upgrade_MordorDualEconomyChoice Upgrade_MordorFaction Upgrade_EvilDualEconomyChoice;Any upgrades this player template is born with.
BuildableHeroesMP = MordorWitchKingOnFellBeast MordorFellBeast MordorFellBeast MordorFellBeast MordorFellBeast MordorFellBeast MordorFellBeast MordorFellBeast MordorFellBeast
SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreCurrentRingPower
SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreMaximumRingPower

Edited by RedNalDron, 25 March 2005 - 11:40 PM.

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"Shadow and flame."

"Drums in the Deep" Beta tester

#11 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 12:26 AM

I'm not sure that you can do eagles. The eagle has a passenger ability but it is for picking up enemy units and killing them. You could probably change that exsisting passenger ability so it doesnt hurt units, I'll try it and write back.


thx ;)

#12 Guest_faramirfaramir_*

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 12:33 AM

how do i add a new unit? i have tried the tutorials and they dont explain well enough. the new hero by ayden worked, tho.

#13 Extelleron

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 12:37 AM

I added a worker for Gondor just to test and it does work, try this on gondor and see if it works: (It does for me) (As you see I also successfully edited start money)

PlayerTemplate FactionGondor
Side = Gondor
PlayableSide = Yes
Evil = No
StartMoney = 1000000
MaxLevelMP = 32
MaxLevelSP = 78 ;80
PreferredColor = R:43 G:150 B:179
IntrinsicSciences = SCIENCE_GOOD
IntrinsicSciencesMP = SCIENCE_GONDOR
SpellBook = GoodSpellBook
SpellBookMp = GondorSpellBook
PurchaseScienceCommandSet = GoodSpellStoreCommandSet
PurchaseScienceCommandSetMP = GondorSpellStoreCommandSet
;SpecialPowerShortcutCommandSet = SpecialPowerShortcutChina
;SpecialPowerShortcutWinName = GenPowersShortcutBarChina.wnd
;SpecialPowerShortcutButtonCount = 5
DisplayName = INI:FactionGondor
StartingBuilding = GondorFarm
StartingUnit0 = RohanWorker
DefaultPlayerAIType = GondorSkirmishAI
;ScoreScreenImage = China_ScoreScreen
;LoadScreenImage = SNFactionLogoPage_China
;LoadScreenMusic = Load_China
;FlagWaterMark = WatermarkChina
;EnabledImage = SSObserverChina
BeaconName = MultiplayerBeacon
;SideIconImage = GameinfoCHINA
LightPointsUpSound = GondorLightPointsUp
ObjectiveAddedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveNew
ObjectiveCompletedSound = Gui_MissionObjectiveCompleted
InitialUpgrades = Upgrade_GondorFaction ;Any upgrades this player template is born with.
BuildableHeroesMP = GondorGandalf GondorBoromir GondorFaramir RohanPippin RohanFrodo RohanSam ElvenArmond
SpellStoreCurrentPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreCurrentEvenstarPower
SpellStoreMaximumPowerLabel = APT:SpellStoreMaximumEvenstarPower
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#14 Extelleron

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 12:39 AM

Add a new unit like in the tutorial Add a New Unit-Object Code, WeaponSets, and
ArmorSets? Or do you mean what i've been talking about here?
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#15 Hostile


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Posted 26 March 2005 - 01:17 AM

I'm not sure that you can do eagles. The eagle has a passenger ability but it is for picking up enemy units and killing them. You could probably change that exsisting passenger ability so it doesnt hurt units, I'll try it and write back.


thx ;)


Well if you create a new unit by copying the object code and renaming it than you could certainly open the model up in Renx and move the passenger bone to a more appropriate location.

Use a model that already has a mounted model like gondor calvary and just reference that.

#16 Extelleron

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 01:28 AM

There sure are some possibilities there. I've always fantisized with replacing Word of Power with letting Gandalf ride an eagle, but i think im getting too far ahead of myself there.
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#17 Hostile


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Posted 26 March 2005 - 03:46 AM

Why though? How do people do stuff EA never expected if you don't plow through the lack of self condifence and try to make it work?

That's how new ideas are forged...

#18 pabtyf


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Posted 27 March 2005 - 08:01 PM

Can you just name any bone in this section:
;  PassengerBonePrefix = PassengerBone:PASSENGERBONE     KindOf:HOBBIT

or will it only work for units who have sepcifically named passengebones?

#19 Guest_Guest_*

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Posted 29 March 2005 - 12:25 AM

Can you just name any bone in this section:

;  PassengerBonePrefix = PassengerBone:PASSENGERBONE     KindOf:HOBBIT

or will it only work for units who have sepcifically named passengebones?


The unit has to have a passenger bone for you to have this. I never edited this section before so I have no idea.

#20 Extelleron

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Posted 29 March 2005 - 12:26 AM

:p That was me on the last post, just forgot to log in.
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