Modding Q&A
Posted 21 August 2005 - 03:33 PM
LOOOOOOOOL ! Hey man just relax we dont flame we 're just, trying to understand why you want that... Try to use nuke missile code as creator said !I just wanted you to tell me how to make an infantry tossing a grenade on some target, not to discuss it =)
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
Posted 26 August 2005 - 07:39 PM
2ALL use a code from Helix, just copy and change weapon and OCL, and REDY TO GO!!!
I NOT !!!
Posted 26 August 2005 - 10:59 PM
What does this russian text mean ? I dont like or flame also........2АлексАрт Использый код от Хеликса, и поменяй веапон, и все готово, и даже на апгрейд ставить можна!
2ALL use a code from Helix, just copy and change weapon and OCL, and REDY TO GO!!!
I NOT !!!
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
Posted 27 August 2005 - 12:03 AM
Oh !!! The helix code will work, or the nuke missile code........the russian means what he said in english
yes the helix code would work
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
Posted 27 August 2005 - 03:39 PM
Yeah i know this, but with the nuke missile enum, it will work like colonel burton's skills......Nuke missile code enum doesn't start ready to fire...
Mod Progress:
Link : http://forums.revora...p?showforum=859
Posted 28 August 2005 - 03:07 PM
ObjectCreationList OCL_The_4th_weapon_for_ranger
Weapon = The_4th_weapon_for_ranger
I think it should work.
Posted 29 August 2005 - 08:13 PM
Posted 31 August 2005 - 12:47 AM
if not:
use the comanche commandbutton and make it work with you weapon
"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron" Otto Von Bismarck
Posted 31 August 2005 - 04:34 PM
PS: I know how to add animations to the ini file, but I don't know which Condition State is to be used: Packnig/Unpacking is already busy with the Building-capture, and all FIRING_A, B and C can not be used
Posted 06 September 2005 - 01:15 AM
Earlier i copied my Data and Art File, (which has mod that worked fine WITH the animation working fine) Saved it to a disk, extracted it on new computer, but now the animation doesn't work???
Pend if you havn't got this yet 21.81KB 46 downloads
But i cant find the dds file
"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron" Otto Von Bismarck
Posted 14 September 2005 - 10:52 PM
here is Paradox's request this should help you get started, you can PM me for questions:
MODDING_GUIDE.doc 35KB 430 downloads
"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions but by blood and iron" Otto Von Bismarck
#279 Guest_Guest_*
Posted 15 September 2005 - 03:35 AM
I had a look in the Locomotor.ini And Aurora has Speed of 600 in supersonic and KingRaptorUpgraded has on 270. But the raptor is faster.
I raced them to attack a suply stash on the otherside of 8player map from taxinig. Aurora was sent first then the raptor and he got there first b quite a bit:) i can see any problem with locomortor.ini
But under Object AirF_AmericaJetAurora whats this
Behavior = JetAIUpdate ModuleTag_07
OutOfAmmoDamagePerSecond = 10%
TakeoffDistForMaxLift = 0%
TakeoffPause = 500
MinHeight = 5
SneakyOffsetWhenAttacking = -20.0
AttackLocomotorType = SET_SUPERSONIC
>>> AttackLocomotorPersistTime = 100 <<<
AttackersMissPersistTime = 2000
ReturnForAmmoLocomotorType = SET_SLUGGISH
ReturnToBaseIdleTime = 10000
Should the AttackLocomortPersistTime Be removed. Cos as I read it as soon as you order the Aurora to attack 100ms later Suersonic mode is off. Is that right??
I just want the aurora to go supersonic on screen thats all.
Well am gonna remove it an see what happens.
I will post back.
Posted 15 September 2005 - 03:59 AM
Well it fixed the problem with the Aurora being too slow but its just a bit faster than the Raptor now. Not even that noticable. But its speed is over 2time the raptors in the locomotor.ini. this is a vired problem. Are there any fiction setting in the physics engine that can be edited.
Edited by 0_PARADOX_0, 15 September 2005 - 05:13 AM.
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