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Windows 10 Compatibility

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#21 Mathijs


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Posted 18 April 2016 - 06:49 PM

Well you're not as old as I am.

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#22 AlexTruesdale

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Posted 21 April 2017 - 05:28 AM

Hello, experts. No clue if this thread is still live.


I have managed to hack together a wonderfully running version of BFME2 with all the plugins and stuff (miraculous).

One thing I cannot seem to fix is the resolution. I have the thing from here in the correct folder and have updated the screen res. using the patch dashboard switcher thing.


Any similar issues in this leg of running the game on Win. 10?


Thank you for any advice in advance.

Edited by AlexTruesdale, 21 April 2017 - 08:05 AM.

#23 Kwen



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Posted 21 April 2017 - 05:22 PM

What does your resolution look like? Changing the values in options.ini "C:\Users\(you)\AppData\Roaming\My Battle for Middle-earth™ II Files" will force the correct resolution but the game's UI was designed for 4:3 aspect ratio not standard 16:9 widescreen. That's where the widescreen patch comes in, it changes the UI to be accurate on 16:9 aspect ratio resolutions.

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#24 AlexTruesdale

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Posted 25 April 2017 - 04:08 AM

Hey Kwen,


Thank you for your answer. I have found that file and the resolution is showing correctly (exact specs of my screen). However, it still shows 4:3 when it is run.
Any further ideas perchance? I attached a screenshot as well so that you can see the file settings.

Also, I used this file "BfME_Startup_Fixxer.exe" to allow the game to run. Is there a chance that that file would interfere with the resolution settings? Apart from that, I don't have any spectacular ideas.



Attached Thumbnails

  • Screenshot_1.png

Edited by AlexTruesdale, 25 April 2017 - 04:17 AM.

#25 AlexTruesdale

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Posted 29 April 2017 - 06:20 AM

Issue solved:

Resolution needed to be set to 16:9 (some variant of that ratio)


Custom resolution didn't work.

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