Hey ! Thanks for stopping by !
So I've played quite a lot with the S.E.E. and the Rj-RotWK mods, and I've always been impressed by the different camera angles system...
So, I decided to look a bit into the code and stuff, to understand how they did, but I don't really understand... I can't find camera parameters and how they did to be able to change the angle. I think I'm missing something.
Plus, I tried touching all the camera options in gamedata, and none of them seems to change anything...
Do you have an idea ? I would be so grateful to be able to code my own camera system, and avoid copying code that is not mine, and that I can't understand...
I tried searching on the 3rd age, but didn't found anything interesting... Maybe you guys have a tutorial ? Or can advice me on how to do it ? That would be really appreciated !
Thanks a lot for your help !