So, I managed to get this game mod to work, fight against the easy AI for a time, and deeply enjoy myself. I play around with US and Euro Tanks and Aircraft and feel confident enough to move up in difficult.
Holy crap, I had no idea what was waiting for me. The second I set that AI to normal, it was like the pied piper flew over to Russia and set his flute to the murderer setting. My first attempt ended extremely poorly with a double refinery start (bad habit from C&C 3, since Chrono miners don't need any more than 1), didn't get enough cash together, and was slaughtered by Russian tank wave.
Second attempt, did marginally better, though I witnessed something odd. Do dogs have a kind of a lunge attack? I watched one leap, ignoring the heavy machine gun fire it was under, kill 3 GIs....and a cavalier tank. How the heck did it do that?! Also, I noticed that the AI OBVIOUSLY has complete map awareness. A tesla trooper crept around just outside the range of my defenses, having a clear idea of exactly how far they could shoot (another point of "AI is a cheating bastard" in effect), and tried to pop a chrono miner when it returned to the refinery. My GIs killed him, but still...annoying.
Then this guy called Volkov, showed up. I remember reading about him on the website. Men, tanks, defenses, didn't matter to this guy. He just chewed them up and spat in my face. Next attack wave showed up, and let's be honest, it was just over at this point.
So, instead of whining like certain Payday 2 enemies would accuse me of after losing (look up "Cloaker" for that reference), I'm asking the seasoned veterans who have been playing this for 14 years. I want to know your starting build orders, oh great gurus of RTS wisdom, how you survive against enemies, how you accumulate the cash necessary for war waging. Is there possibly a guide I can look up to play better? This has potential, but if Normal is destroying me, I shudder to imagine how hard Mental will slaughter me.
Also... is it even possible to get spies to infiltrate enemy tech labs? There's some cool stuff to be gained from that, but the AI wraps the tech labs in walls, and surrounds them with dogs, so... I guess I'm just going to have to take people's word for it that stolen tech units are neat.