Hello everyone.
I found a great tutorial on the 3rd Age website which explains the
necessiary steps to make an AI work properly.
My only problem is how to open a bse. file.
I extracted the Arnor base file from the bases.big file but I could not
open it with Worldbuilder.
I dont really understand how I have to open an existing bse.file and to modified to my
I already managed to edit the AI for all the factions to produce my new units and it works
perfectly fine but as far as I know the AI will only build new buildings when they were placed
with Worldbuilder.
My first faction is now finally playable and I really want to be able to play against it.
Could anyone perhaps explain the first steps of opening a bse file to me?
In the tutorial it also said that I would have to edit every map in order to have a
functional AI.
Do I have to extract all the maps aswell or is that something that can be done in a code?