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Making an AI work on a map

rise of the witch king

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#1 Easterling26

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Posted 12 September 2016 - 04:56 PM

Hello everyone.


I found a great tutorial on the 3rd Age website which explains the

necessiary steps to make an AI work properly.

My only problem is how to open a bse. file.


I extracted the Arnor base file from the bases.big file but I could not

open it with Worldbuilder.

I dont really understand how I have to open an existing bse.file and to modified to my


I already managed to edit the AI for all the factions to produce my new units and it works

perfectly fine but as far as I know the AI will only build new buildings when they were placed

with Worldbuilder.


My first faction is now finally playable and I really want to be able to play against it.


Could anyone perhaps explain the first steps of opening a bse file to me?

In the tutorial it also said that I would have to edit every map in order to have a

functional AI.


Do I have to extract all the maps aswell or is that something that can be done in a code?

#2 Kwen



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Posted 12 September 2016 - 07:01 PM

In Worldbuilder you have to browse for a "map" and in the file extension box you select 'All files' then the .bse files will appear and you can open one. Worldbuilder will open and save a .bse file just the same as a .map file. It just doesn't know the extension by default.

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#3 Easterling26

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Posted 13 September 2016 - 01:32 PM

I tried to do what you have said but Worldbuilder does not load anything at all.

I was looking for Forts of Isen 2 and there was a map.file but when I went on All files

there was no bse.file


I  also tried to open the map itself but nothing happened.

I extracted all the maps from Rise of the Witch King into my

mod maps folder.


I also noticed that none of my new buildings appear in Worldbuilder.

Is my Worldbuilder located in the wrong folder?

Currently it is in my Rise of the Witch King folder and my mod folder is also in it.

#4 Kwen



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Posted 13 September 2016 - 04:05 PM

The bases are not map specific, they are faction specific. So you would be looking for .bse files within the bases sub folder, not maps. As for your new buildings not appearing, the models will not show up in Worldbuilder without a full appended asset.dat containing all of the Vanilla assets as well as all of your new assets. I am assuming that the buildings do show up in the build list but the model is invisible? It's okay if the model doesn't appear, it's not necessary for it to function in game.

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#5 Easterling26

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Posted 15 September 2016 - 10:29 AM

I managed to open the bse. file.

Thank you for your help.


I just have one more question.

It is however not related to the bse file.

I had noticed that I can no longer zoom

out very far.


I noticed this after I added Rohan to the playertemplate.

Did anyone actually know that Rohan is still as a playable

faction in the Rise of the Witch King?


Anyway after I added Rohan to

the game I could not zoom out anymore. I disabled the code in the playertemplate

but it did not solve the problem.

#6 PalMz17

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Posted 30 December 2017 - 07:49 AM

One of the solutions for your zooming problem is to edit the Map Settings for every map you need to zoom out further on. The max zoom distance value 500 works for me.
This problem normally occurs for widescreen resolutions.

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