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Problem with Heavy Armour upgrade

rise of the witch king

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#1 Easterling26

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Posted 17 September 2016 - 03:51 PM

Hi everyone.


As the topic title already says I have a problem with a heavy armour upgrade.

I created two new units for my second faction Rohan. All the commands for

the purchase and everything works but when I purchase heavy armour my units

dont get their skin changed.


I must say that I did not create these units I just modified and rebound them.

They already came with exisiting skins and heavy armour skins.

I removed the forged blade effect on purpose for now but their heavy armour texture

should appear after the upgrade has been purchased.


I really dont know what the problem is.

Did anyone have similar problems and knows how to fix it?




Never mind I got it fixed myself.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by me.

This topic can be closed.

Edited by Easterling26, 17 September 2016 - 05:07 PM.

#2 malvack

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Posted 07 October 2016 - 12:26 AM

First, I must ask the obvious: you are sure the units did recieve the upgrade, aren't you? If you aren't, try a little experiment (like making them invulnerable or something). If you are sure that the upgrade works, look at the code of your units, you'll see a part when they change their skin upon recieving an upgrade, For instance, this is the code of the uruk-hai:

	 ;Heavy Armor
	Behavior = ArmorUpgrade ArmorUpgradeModuleTag
		TriggeredBy		= Upgrade_IsengardHeavyArmor
		ArmorSetFlag			= PLAYER_UPGRADE

	Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade Armor_Upgrade
		TriggeredBy		= Upgrade_IsengardHeavyArmor
		UpgradeTexture	= IUUrukahi.tga 0 IUUrukahi_HA.tga
		UpgradeTexture	= IUUrukahi_l.tga 0 IUUrukahi_HA.tga
		RecolorHouse			= Yes
		ExcludeSubobjects		= Forged_Blade

In this ini you can see when and how the upgrade changes the skin, however there are some cases (I can't recall an example in this moment) that aren't this obvious. In the code you can look for the armor upgrade, and maybe you'll find that a skin changes after recieving an update, like USER_2. In those cases, you must add the part which includes the update in ArmorUpgrade

#3 Easterling26

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Posted 07 October 2016 - 03:34 PM

Thanks for answering.


I got it fixed on the same day of my post :D

#4 malvack

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Posted 07 October 2016 - 06:40 PM

Hey, that's great :D

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