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MO 3.3 // Screenshots Thread

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#41 Allied Commander ???

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Posted 04 March 2017 - 12:18 PM


I think maybe people kinda forgot this thread already. 
...Posted a pic...



No Chinese Lancer?

No, I think that Lancer is actually an ordinary Foehn Lancer, only with altered names (changed to Cyborg Prototype). Correct me if I'm wrong.


EDIT: I personally hope everyone could utilize this thread to upload and share more screenshots from your gameplays or base showcases or others, since this thread is for version 3.3 and onwards.

Edited by Allied Commander ???, 04 March 2017 - 12:38 PM.

#42 Derxwna Kapsyla

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Posted 08 March 2017 - 10:14 AM



Decided to have a little fun and make a screenshot! Might make some more later on.

Yes, those Coal Power Plants are not normally there. I know my way with Ares enough, as well as pulling the rules out of the mix, to figure out how to modify the base files without irrevocably messing the game up. It was entirely for this purpose.

#43 Meyerm



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Posted 08 March 2017 - 09:53 PM

I see you followed normal procedure and placed fragile, highly explosive barrels in all the important places.

#44 Derxwna Kapsyla

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Posted 08 March 2017 - 10:14 PM

I mean, is there any other way to build a base? It's just not done!

I thought about using a Chrono Legionaire to remove them, but I thought it would be way more universally accepted if I left them there




I started building a wall! Now no engineers will get to my Construction Yard!

#45 Gameman112358

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Posted 08 March 2017 - 11:45 PM

I'm actually quite curious how you were able to make the map editor be able to read and place down MO objects. I imagine you can probably place down items, scenery, buildings, units, etc. with it. I want to know, mainly because I've been wanting a map editor for ages. I don't play multiplayer at all (more focused on single player), so I'm not too worried about not being able to play with other players(I can always just reinstall in the worst case scenario).


A map editor would be really nice, mainly so I can make some missions in the single player easier (If the map editor can read the campaign maps, that is). For example: Juggernaut. Seriously. That mission makes me cry. On easy, I can win, but it's not a fun ride until the end. Any harder and my head starts to spin from the sheer numbers of enemies and the fact they're pretty much pulling suicidal zerg spam on you. I have no idea what this modified map editor is capable of (changing the AI players, for example), but if it was possible, I would:


- Make the Chinese in this mission produce units and fight alongside you. Seriously, I find it silly that they've got a bunch of bases all over the place, but they never produce anything from them. They've got War Factories, Industrial Plants, Barracks, Ore Refineries, etc. Use them! Failing that, just make it so that if a production building exists, units are spawned from that building over time. For example: Barracks spawns 5 Conscripts, 3 flak troopers, and 2 tesla troopers, War Factories spawn 3 Qilin Tanks and 2 HalfTracks, and Industrial Plants spawn 2 Nuwa Cannons and a Sentinel. I want to feel like the Chinese are really trying to help you. After all, it's not just the Russian leaders in the Congress; the Chinese leaders are in there too, and I would think the Chinese would fight to the last man to stop the Epsilon from getting to them. Also helps show Epsilon's power more; I want to feel that I'm having trouble in that mission because the Epsilon are really THAT powerful, not because of a bunch of random barrels and bad AI.


- Place more fortifications and units down. The Chinese didn't really deploy a whole heck of a lot in Juggernaut, surprisingly. I would think that defending their leaders would be taken very seriously by Chinese military command, and that they'd send everything they can muster to defend the Singapore Congress. Gyrocopters would be nice for the infantry spam for example (also because they can't be mind controlled). Dragonflies would be really useful, since they can simply straight up sink Amphibious Transports (Probably why none are shown in this mission). And I imagine they'd fortify Singapore much more tightly than they did in the mission. Also very surprised the Chinese navy wasn't present in this battle; were they really that stretched thin that they couldn't deploy ships and shipyards around Singapore's harbors? Would've helped a little bit, at least.


- Give control of the EMP control station, Airfield, and Tesla reactors near the airfield. Chinese aren't using the airfield, and they aren't using EMP at all, so I figured it might be better to have the player use it.


- REMOVE ALL OF THE GODDAMN BARRELS AROUND THE CHINESE BASES. Seriously, I hate that so much. A bunch of barrels = That base is already dead. Epsilon's already throwing enough forces to easily overwhelm the bases with sheer numbers, no point putting additional barrels for them to blow up.


Btw, hi everyone, new user here! M.O. is a mod that I like, alongside a few other C&C mods (ROTR and TI come to mind). I'm a little sad that M.O. doesn't have a map editor, though, unlike the other two mods I mentioned. I don't mind not playing multiplayer; single player is more fun to mess with. :)

Edited by Gameman112358, 08 March 2017 - 11:45 PM.

#46 Handepsilon


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Posted 08 March 2017 - 11:54 PM

Chinese paradrops stuff periodically at the start to occupy any buildings you haven't filled already, but yeah, their base are created by map designer to mildly slow down the Epsilon and give impression that you're not fighting alone.

Wolfhound spam ftw

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#47 Derxwna Kapsyla

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Posted 08 March 2017 - 11:57 PM

I'm actually quite curious how you were able to make the map editor be able to read and place down MO objects. I imagine you can probably place down items, scenery, buildings, units, etc. with it. I want to know, mainly because I've been wanting a map editor for ages. I don't play multiplayer at all (more focused on single player), so I'm not too worried about not being able to play with other players(I can always just reinstall in the worst case scenario).

I didn't, I just barely know how to fiddle with the files so that I can build them all manually. All my changes can be reverted instantly and without lasting damage to the game because of my experiences in messing with Ares.
I have no idea how to make the map editor actually display the objects, which is kind of a hinderance when you're trying to do something like this.

A map editor would be really nice, mainly so I can make some missions in the single player easier (If the map editor can read the campaign maps, that is). For example: Juggernaut. Seriously. That mission makes me cry. On easy, I can win, but it's not a fun ride until the end. Any harder and my head starts to spin from the sheer numbers of enemies and the fact they're pretty much pulling suicidal zerg spam on you. I have no idea what this modified map editor is capable of (changing the AI players, for example), but if it was possible, I would:
- Make the Chinese in this mission produce units and fight alongside you. Seriously, I find it silly that they've got a bunch of bases all over the place, but they never produce anything from them. They've got War Factories, Industrial Plants, Barracks, Ore Refineries, etc. Use them! Failing that, just make it so that if a production building exists, units are spawned from that building over time. For example: Barracks spawns 5 Conscripts, 3 flak troopers, and 2 tesla troopers, War Factories spawn 3 Qilin Tanks and 2 HalfTracks, and Industrial Plants spawn 2 Nuwa Cannons and a Sentinel. I want to feel like the Chinese are really trying to help you. After all, it's not just the Russian leaders in the Congress; the Chinese leaders are in there too, and I would think the Chinese would fight to the last man to stop the Epsilon from getting to them. Also helps show Epsilon's power more; I want to feel that I'm having trouble in that mission because the Epsilon are really THAT powerful, not because of a bunch of random barrels and bad AI.
- Place more fortifications and units down. The Chinese didn't really deploy a whole heck of a lot in Juggernaut, surprisingly. I would think that defending their leaders would be taken very seriously by Chinese military command, and that they'd send everything they can muster to defend the Singapore Congress. Gyrocopters would be nice for the infantry spam for example (also because they can't be mind controlled). Dragonflies would be really useful, since they can simply straight up sink Amphibious Transports (Probably why none are shown in this mission). And I imagine they'd fortify Singapore much more tightly than they did in the mission. Also very surprised the Chinese navy wasn't present in this battle; were they really that stretched thin that they couldn't deploy ships and shipyards around Singapore's harbors? Would've helped a little bit, at least.
- Give control of the EMP control station, Airfield, and Tesla reactors near the airfield. Chinese aren't using the airfield, and they aren't using EMP at all, so I figured it might be better to have the player use it.
- REMOVE ALL OF THE GODDAMN BARRELS AROUND THE CHINESE BASES. Seriously, I hate that so much. A bunch of barrels = That base is already dead. Epsilon's already throwing enough forces to easily overwhelm the bases with sheer numbers, no point putting additional barrels for them to blow up.
Btw, hi everyone, new user here! M.O. is a mod that I like, alongside a few other C&C mods (ROTR and TI come to mind). I'm a little sad that M.O. doesn't have a map editor, though, unlike the other two mods I mentioned. I don't mind not playing multiplayer; single player is more fun to mess with. :)

Unless you had intricate knowledge of how to modify the missions, your changes probably wouldn't have any noticeable effect. All the missions are made in such a way that their mechanics fit together like a puzzle- trying to jam new pieces into it doesn't make the puzzle any easier to solve, it just leaves you with underutilized pieces.
Clearly what you should do is look into Cheat Engine and ham the missions like crazy 230128588685312001.png

Btw, hi everyone, new user here! M.O. is a mod that I like, alongside a few other C&C mods (ROTR and TI come to mind). I'm a little sad that M.O. doesn't have a map editor, though, unlike the other two mods I mentioned. I don't mind not playing multiplayer; single player is more fun to mess with. :)

Always a pleasure to see new people get into and enjoy the game! Hopefully you enjoy your stay!

#48 Gameman112358

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 12:19 AM

Chinese paradrops stuff periodically at the start to occupy any buildings you haven't filled already, but yeah, their base are created by map designer to mildly slow down the Epsilon and give impression that you're not fighting alone.

Wolfhound spam ftw


It's not a good impression then. Seriously, Juggernaut is just Epsilon committing suicidal zerg spam to the max. The Chinese didn't do a very good job defending Singapore, and it bothers me simply because they're not showing the same grit and ferocity that they show when you face them as an enemy (So when they're your ally, they suck, but when they're your enemy, they're ridiculously OP? Yeah, that's not going to trigger someone paying attention to details... which I happen to do a lot. XD) 


Unless you had intricate knowledge of how to modify the missions, your changes probably wouldn't have any noticeable effect. All the missions are made in such a way that their mechanics fit together like a puzzle- trying to jam new pieces into it doesn't make the puzzle any easier to solve, it just leaves you with underutilized pieces.

Clearly what you should do is look into Cheat Engine and ham the missions like crazy 230128588685312001.png

I'm not sure how Juggernaut of all missions is a puzzle. Epsilon missions fit the puzzle theme, but Juggernaut and missions like it do not. There's no puzzle to solve here; it's just surviving suicidal zerg spam. That's not a freaking puzzle. That's why I want to make the Chinese in Juggernaut stronger; they should at least be able to hold out until the halfway mark of the whole "wait for Chinese reinforcements" timer IMO. Hell, they should be fighting alongside you the entire mission, not get completely obliterated in the first few minutes. And underutilized pieces? Really? Anything that the Chinese produce to stop Epsilon's zerg rushing is considered underutilized (If I can get the Chinese to produce anything)? If anything, I feel like the PLAYER is suffering unnecessarily here. Suicide zerg rushing, sneaky kirovs, drillers, paradrops, brute spam, brainwashed Russian forces, etc. Making the Chinese ridiculously weak on top of it all is too much. I know, developer choice, but still. 


I was actually considering placing down a bunch of the Cyborg Prototypes in and around the Chinese fortifications. Say that the Chinese wanted to "test" new weapons. It'd be pretty immersion breaking though, since the prototypes are in violation of the alliance treaty. But this mission gives me headaches on anything but easy. XD

#49 Solais


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Posted 09 March 2017 - 12:22 AM

It's not like Epsilon is better than the Chinese, their coastline was full of barrels too.

#50 Gameman112358

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 12:27 AM

True. I'll give you that. And I don't like the barrels in that mission either (I hate the barrels in general; when the map editor comes out, first thing I'm doing is removing any barrels that will cause problems for me). But in that mission, you at least get a super buffed Libra to help you get payback on the Chinese attackers. Something to reward you for your struggles and time spent. And you can spam masterminds to simply mind control everything the Chinese send at you. Juggernaut has the enemy throwing PsiCorps and Russian forces at you, and you don't really get any super strong units to help you deal with the spam (Volkov, Chitzkoi, and Morales are nice, but Epsilon throws waaaaaaaaaaay too many forces for them to reasonably handle it). 

#51 Derxwna Kapsyla

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 12:37 AM

I'm not sure how Juggernaut of all missions is a puzzle. Epsilon missions fit the puzzle theme, but Juggernaut and missions like it do not. There's no puzzle to solve here; it's just surviving suicidal zerg spam. That's not a freaking puzzle. That's why I want to make the Chinese in Juggernaut stronger; they should at least be able to hold out until the halfway mark of the whole "wait for Chinese reinforcements" timer IMO. Hell, they should be fighting alongside you the entire mission, not get completely obliterated in the first few minutes. And underutilized pieces? Really? Anything that the Chinese produce to stop Epsilon's zerg rushing is considered underutilized (If I can get the Chinese to produce anything)? If anything, I feel like the PLAYER is suffering unnecessarily here. Suicide zerg rushing, sneaky kirovs, drillers, paradrops, brute spam, brainwashed Russian forces, etc. Making the Chinese ridiculously weak on top of it all is too much. I know, developer choice, but still. 


I was actually considering placing down a bunch of the Cyborg Prototypes in and around the Chinese fortifications. Say that the Chinese wanted to "test" new weapons. It'd be pretty immersion breaking though, since the prototypes are in violation of the alliance treaty. But this mission gives me headaches on anything but easy. XD



It's an analogy; Juggernaut itself isn't a puzzle, but there are various elements to it that make it an elaborate construct, similar to how a puzzle would work. To continue the analogy, a complete puzzle is one that has all the pieces in place, the whole picture is there and everything is laid plain before the person putting it together. In the case a mission- not even Juggernaut specific, any mission- what the player sees is the finished result of the people putting the mission together. Everything works in its own self-contained environment. 


If you were to put together a 100 piece puzzle, you make use of all 100 pieces. If you were to suddenly add elements from another puzzle to the mix, you would eventually find out that these new pieces don't do anything- the puzzle would somehow have to accommodate these new pieces (however, it cannot, as it is already a finished entity). Missions function similarly. Placing down units and buildings is only one of the layers to mission making, another is making use of these units. You can give the Chinese some Dragonflies in The Gardener, but would they know to stop the Tsurugi? Not unless they were attacked, probably. 


The point I'm trying to make is, unless you were to make use of these new elements, and have the Chinese base utilize them, they'd be ultimately fruitless in the scheme of the mission- unless you were to place so many that they overwhelmed the Epsilon forces that were invading, but by then there's really no point to the mission.

#52 Handepsilon


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Posted 09 March 2017 - 12:55 AM

It's basic rule for Mental Omega for the AI to be lackluster as an ally but pro as an enemy.

It ain't RA3 lol

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#53 Gameman112358

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 01:04 AM

As nice as the "missions are an elaborate construct" thing sounds, it's not really something that really fits. Sticking with Juggernaut for now, all I'm trying to do is make it so that Epsilon has a much much harder time trying to destroy the Singapore Congress so easily. Having the Chinese produce stuff to slow them down, kill some Epsilon before they reach the Congress, etc. It's a matter of additional choice, really. Currently, you've got no reason to help the Chinese defense line, simply because their bases will self destruct anyway. Making the Chinese in this mission actually competent and making them actively build stuff and help you hold the line against Epsilon would give you a reason to help the Chinese; you can either have them hold Epsilon back and buy you time to bunker down at the Congress, or you can try to send your forces to the Chinese defense lines and help them. There's no elaborate construct here; anything that will kill/slow down Epsilon is already a good thing in the mission. That includes extra units, buildings, etc. That's not underutilized assets. At all.


It's basic rule for Mental Omega for the AI to be lackluster as an ally but pro as an enemy.

It ain't RA3 lol


It's a lousy rule then IMO. Seriously, Skirmish AI is pretty decent IMO; wouldn't be hard to simply use the AI coding of the Skirmish AI for allies in single player mission. And honestly, even if you make the AI good, the mission will still be extremely difficult. Take a look at Juggernaut, Stormbringer, Dance of Blood, basically any mission with a player related ally. Even if you make the AI good, you would still need to change some other aspects to make them something more than just an annoyance (REMOVE ALL BARRELS). Not mentioning that it makes the player's job unnecessarily more difficult. Maybe that's just me though, but I seriously can't be the only one who questions why single player NPC allies even exist if they're going to be so freaking useless. Why not just simply remove them altogether?


EDIT: And RA3's AI still had you babysit them a little bit. You could tell them to do stuff, which is what I had to do every now and then with them to ensure they're doing the right thing. Otherwise, the AI wasn't that spectacular; it was pretty competent, but it's no tactical genius whatsoever.


EDIT 2: Also, I hope I don't sound like I'm whining. I'm really not trying to, but there are times where the sadistic difficulty of Mental Omega can be irksome. I don't mind sadistic difficulty (much) as long as it has good reasoning behind it (Juggernaut's Epsilon spam for the most part doesn't bother me in terms of immersion because mind controlled Russian forces + they've built up a massive army in secret, so it makes sense), but I start having problems when it comes from something that IMO really shouldn't even exist (Barrels, terrible AI, etc.) 

Edited by Gameman112358, 09 March 2017 - 01:09 AM.

#54 Handepsilon


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Posted 09 March 2017 - 01:07 AM

Welcome to Mental Omega, then, where Single Player is a lot lot harder than skirmish

The AI are basically there for plot reason and should be totally ignored unless they have something important, really

Edited by Handepsilon, 09 March 2017 - 01:11 AM.

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#55 Gameman112358

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 01:19 AM

Welcome to Mental Omega, then, where Single Player is a lot lot harder than skirmish

The AI are basically there for plot reason and should be totally ignored unless they have something important, really


LOL. That's why I want the official Map Editor so bad, so I can attempt to change that. XD XD XD But anyway, I really am curious on how you can modify Mental Omega, since it seems like there's a roundabout way to do so, from the sounds of it (I like to mess with inis; I did this with ROTR and TI as well. It's more fun).


If there's a way to make Cyborg Prototypes for example build able, I want to know about it. Because reasons. XD XD XD

Edited by Gameman112358, 09 March 2017 - 01:22 AM.

#56 Derxwna Kapsyla

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 06:38 AM

So, when I said I "might make some more later on", I was actually working on another. Much more larger. Too large to show in a single forum post, so.


Last Bastion Headquarters - Point Hope, Alaska


So right away I'm gonna come clean and say I re-enabled a few assets for this, as well as the building of certain things (the Windbelt, the SteinsTech lab, Watch Towers). I also used Lovalmidas's Aegis Impervious variant of Point Hope for the map- I knew one thing when I was going into this, and it's that I wanted to make the complex massive. Figured the best way to simulate a massive complex is by using a massive map.


We're all aware that Last Bastion is located in Alaska, so I thought it fitting, even if it turns out to be non-canon, that their headquarters should be in Point Hope. Their main base surrounds the Chronosphere, the current last in the world and fully functioning. There are three ancillary bases- the Chinese base (located west and north of the main base), the Pacific Front base (located south and east of the main base), and the European Alliance base (located across the bridge to the far east). I based most of the building positionals off of how Loval designed Aegis Impervious (Because I have the most sinking feeling that it's going to be remade for 3.0, either for Foehn's campaign proper, or an unofficial mission), while taking a few liberties (the Chinese Base encompasses the entire far left, as well as where the Allied Air Force HQ was to the north; not to mention the entire Euro Alliance base being where the Epsilon base is). Overall, I think it turned out well? I kinda got lazy near the end of designing the EA base though... And if Power Plants just seem emphasized, that's because they are- it's because I was at almost at cap with 36k power.


It's kinda one of my personal headcanons that the Chinese, the Pacific Front, and the European Alliance are the three core factions behind the technology of the Foehn Revolt, mostly because of their massive advancements in technology throughout the campaign, and some trailer snippets that fostered the idea. 


Bonus! Total area of influence without full map visibility:


I can only hope the actual Last Bastion headquarters is this big

Edited by Derxwna Kapsyla, 09 March 2017 - 06:41 AM.

#57 Gameman112358

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 07:24 AM

Cool map. I imagine the Last Bastion's base of operations being something like that, albeit with all Foehn buildings, no allied or soviet structures, I think. Needs more units though. I only see static defenses and buildings; I see very few infantry and vehicles around the base. Feels very barren because of it.


So Pacific Front, China, and the Euro Alliance are the ones responsible for Foehn's super advanced technology and possibly the rise of Foehn in general. Going by voice actors, it seems that Foehn's units are made up of Europeans (Knightframes, Pteranodon, other units), PF member states (Jackal (Australia is part of the PF, I believe), some other units), and I think I hear a little bit of Chinese among the units, so it would certainly make sense.


That actually makes me little worry about some of the other factions and their fates. We know that the Allies final mission in Act 2 will most likely be their final mistake that will cost them dearly, but I don't know what happens and who causes it (USA? God I hope not. They've been going through so much crap in the MO universe; the loss of their country; the nuking of Chicago, the mind control, the abandonment by their so called 'allies' from the Euro Alliance and the Pacific Front, etc. I wouldn't want them to be responsible for the Allies' downfall as well. PF would fit better, damned traitors. XD). Soviets are going to have their last stand from the sounds of their mission name, and Epsilon's mission will likely be the activation of their Mental Omega Device, which will mind control the whole world. With that said, I worry about these factions:


1. USA. Are they going to be completely obliterated at the end of Act 2? They're already in tatters right now, and with Yuri's force wreaking havoc in the U.S. and the Soviets causing more damage to the remaining American rebels, I don't think the U.S. will survive to be a part of Foehn's rise. And that scares the hell out of me for some reason. That being said, I'm not sure if the U.S. was able to hold onto Alaska (which is where the Last Bastion base is); if they did, then they're probably going to be fine and will integrate into Foehn. If not, well, I think the history of the U.S. will come to an end at the conclusion of Act 2.


2. Russia. I'm actually curious (and scared) of Soviet Russia's future. They won't survive to see Foehn, for sure. Much of Russia is already mind controlled, and what's left of the Russian forces is getting weaker and weaker every mission it seems. Probably going to be wiped out/controlled by the Mental Omega Device.


3. Latin Confederation. I have no idea what will happen to these guys; last I remember these guys weren't getting hit nearly as hard as the other two members of the Comintern alliance (Russia and China), but they were still having a lot of problems to deal with. I imagine they'll probably fight to their last, and get mind controlled by the Mental Omega as well.

Edited by Gameman112358, 09 March 2017 - 07:25 AM.

#58 Shelbythetriagularsquare



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Posted 09 March 2017 - 07:47 AM

Cool map. I imagine the Last Bastion's base of operations being something like that, albeit with all Foehn buildings, no allied or soviet structures, I think. Needs more units though. I only see static defenses and buildings; I see very few infantry and vehicles around the base. Feels very barren because of it.


So Pacific Front, China, and the Euro Alliance are the ones responsible for Foehn's super advanced technology and possibly the rise of Foehn in general. Going by voice actors, it seems that Foehn's units are made up of Europeans (Knightframes, Pteranodon, other units), PF member states (Jackal (Australia is part of the PF, I believe), some other units), and I think I hear a little bit of Chinese among the units, so it would certainly make sense.


That actually makes me little worry about some of the other factions and their fates. We know that the Allies final mission in Act 2 will most likely be their final mistake that will cost them dearly, but I don't know what happens and who causes it (USA? God I hope not. They've been going through so much crap in the MO universe; the loss of their country; the nuking of Chicago, the mind control, the abandonment by their so called 'allies' from the Euro Alliance and the Pacific Front, etc. I wouldn't want them to be responsible for the Allies' downfall as well. PF would fit better, damned traitors. XD). Soviets are going to have their last stand from the sounds of their mission name, and Epsilon's mission will likely be the activation of their Mental Omega Device, which will mind control the whole world. With that said, I worry about these factions:


1. USA. Are they going to be completely obliterated at the end of Act 2? They're already in tatters right now, and with Yuri's force wreaking havoc in the U.S. and the Soviets causing more damage to the remaining American rebels, I don't think the U.S. will survive to be a part of Foehn's rise. And that scares the hell out of me for some reason. That being said, I'm not sure if the U.S. was able to hold onto Alaska (which is where the Last Bastion base is); if they did, then they're probably going to be fine and will integrate into Foehn. If not, well, I think the history of the U.S. will come to an end at the conclusion of Act 2.


2. Russia. I'm actually curious (and scared) of Soviet Russia's future. They won't survive to see Foehn, for sure. Much of Russia is already mind controlled, and what's left of the Russian forces is getting weaker and weaker every mission it seems. Probably going to be wiped out/controlled by the Mental Omega Device.


3. Latin Confederation. I have no idea what will happen to these guys; last I remember these guys weren't getting hit nearly as hard as the other two members of the Comintern alliance (Russia and China), but they were still having a lot of problems to deal with. I imagine they'll probably fight to their last, and get mind controlled by the Mental Omega as well.

I hate to be the "Umm actually" guy but Umm, actually.


The Haihead loading screen map shows the following countries.


North America, China, North Africa, Central America, Northern Europe.


I'm scared for Russia though, although maybe they retreated to Russia to form the Last Bastion???


I can't wait.

Edited by Shelbythetriagularsquare, 09 March 2017 - 07:48 AM.


#59 Gameman112358

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 07:54 AM

Don't feel bad to be the "Umm, actually" guy. You might've pointed out things that I might've missed. :)


The Haihead loading map is really hard to see. I couldn't really get a bead on who is included in that jumbled mass, certainly not enough time before the game loaded up. So maybe the U.S. did manage to integrate into Foehn after all. I would hope so; I don't really hear any U.S. voices among the units of the entire Foehn arsenal, but then again, maybe I'm just being a little nitpicky. After all, conscripts for example all use the same voice lines, regardless whether it's the LC, Russia, or China. And the Euro Alliance Cavaliers all seem to have a British pilot, despite Cavaliers being used by all Euro Alliance members (probably not worth the effort to make separate units and voice lines for different nationalities; too much hassle, so makes sense).

#60 Shelbythetriagularsquare



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Posted 09 March 2017 - 08:28 AM

Don't feel bad to be the "Umm, actually" guy. You might've pointed out things that I might've missed. :)


The Haihead loading map is really hard to see. I couldn't really get a bead on who is included in that jumbled mass, certainly not enough time before the game loaded up. So maybe the U.S. did manage to integrate into Foehn after all. I would hope so; I don't really hear any U.S. voices among the units of the entire Foehn arsenal, but then again, maybe I'm just being a little nitpicky. After all, conscripts for example all use the same voice lines, regardless whether it's the LC, Russia, or China. And the Euro Alliance Cavaliers all seem to have a British pilot, despite Cavaliers being used by all Euro Alliance members (probably not worth the effort to make separate units and voice lines for different nationalities; too much hassle, so makes sense).

Leviathan is American.


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