I'm actually quite curious how you were able to make the map editor be able to read and place down MO objects. I imagine you can probably place down items, scenery, buildings, units, etc. with it. I want to know, mainly because I've been wanting a map editor for ages. I don't play multiplayer at all (more focused on single player), so I'm not too worried about not being able to play with other players(I can always just reinstall in the worst case scenario).
A map editor would be really nice, mainly so I can make some missions in the single player easier (If the map editor can read the campaign maps, that is). For example: Juggernaut. Seriously. That mission makes me cry. On easy, I can win, but it's not a fun ride until the end. Any harder and my head starts to spin from the sheer numbers of enemies and the fact they're pretty much pulling suicidal zerg spam on you. I have no idea what this modified map editor is capable of (changing the AI players, for example), but if it was possible, I would:
- Make the Chinese in this mission produce units and fight alongside you. Seriously, I find it silly that they've got a bunch of bases all over the place, but they never produce anything from them. They've got War Factories, Industrial Plants, Barracks, Ore Refineries, etc. Use them! Failing that, just make it so that if a production building exists, units are spawned from that building over time. For example: Barracks spawns 5 Conscripts, 3 flak troopers, and 2 tesla troopers, War Factories spawn 3 Qilin Tanks and 2 HalfTracks, and Industrial Plants spawn 2 Nuwa Cannons and a Sentinel. I want to feel like the Chinese are really trying to help you. After all, it's not just the Russian leaders in the Congress; the Chinese leaders are in there too, and I would think the Chinese would fight to the last man to stop the Epsilon from getting to them. Also helps show Epsilon's power more; I want to feel that I'm having trouble in that mission because the Epsilon are really THAT powerful, not because of a bunch of random barrels and bad AI.
- Place more fortifications and units down. The Chinese didn't really deploy a whole heck of a lot in Juggernaut, surprisingly. I would think that defending their leaders would be taken very seriously by Chinese military command, and that they'd send everything they can muster to defend the Singapore Congress. Gyrocopters would be nice for the infantry spam for example (also because they can't be mind controlled). Dragonflies would be really useful, since they can simply straight up sink Amphibious Transports (Probably why none are shown in this mission). And I imagine they'd fortify Singapore much more tightly than they did in the mission. Also very surprised the Chinese navy wasn't present in this battle; were they really that stretched thin that they couldn't deploy ships and shipyards around Singapore's harbors? Would've helped a little bit, at least.
- Give control of the EMP control station, Airfield, and Tesla reactors near the airfield. Chinese aren't using the airfield, and they aren't using EMP at all, so I figured it might be better to have the player use it.
- REMOVE ALL OF THE GODDAMN BARRELS AROUND THE CHINESE BASES. Seriously, I hate that so much. A bunch of barrels = That base is already dead. Epsilon's already throwing enough forces to easily overwhelm the bases with sheer numbers, no point putting additional barrels for them to blow up.
Btw, hi everyone, new user here! M.O. is a mod that I like, alongside a few other C&C mods (ROTR and TI come to mind). I'm a little sad that M.O. doesn't have a map editor, though, unlike the other two mods I mentioned. I don't mind not playing multiplayer; single player is more fun to mess with.
Edited by Gameman112358, 08 March 2017 - 11:45 PM.