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Misty Mountains Faction Plan

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#61 pham ngoc son

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Posted 11 October 2017 - 10:16 AM

You're coming off a little rapey now. 

I dont afraid of. All for "Age of Ring is number one" :). Love you , Mathijs

Edited by pham ngoc son, 11 October 2017 - 10:17 AM.

#62 tomtucker

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Posted 21 October 2017 - 12:47 PM

I know is a minor fact but have you planned to give other unit for the MM in the inn or will the corsairs of Umbar be the inn unit forever?? 

#63 Mathijs


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Posted 21 October 2017 - 07:07 PM

Good and Evil factions will eventually get Inn units based on the area the played map is in. Until then, we're not changing the Inn units because that would be redundant work.

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#64 Felipe Roll-st

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Posted 23 October 2017 - 12:15 PM

Hi, I just discovered this amazing mod, it's very talented, and I had a suggestion/idea if maybe you guys would consider to create Shadow of Mordor/ War Models for the game, it would be so cool to have that celebrimbor in game, etc. just an idea , great work guys!!

#65 Rider of Rohan

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Posted 24 October 2017 - 09:01 AM

Thanks for the compliments, but that's not going to happen seeing as none of us like the series.


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#66 FelipeNN

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Posted 14 November 2017 - 09:57 AM

Hello, first of all congratulations on the new fortress and the gundabad bats, they really look amazing!

I wish to know if you could consider making the bats to be summoned in trios or more, it would be cool to have a cloud of bats just like the movies

You could low down their power and add more units just for the visual of it.

I've read somewhere that they would be cheap and fast to build, but I found them a little bit expensive

#67 FelipeNN

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Posted 14 November 2017 - 10:13 AM

Another thing,

I dont know if it is even possible, because I really dont understand nothing about modding, but it would look cool if you add a misty mountain goblin operating the catapults, both the ones from the fortress and the mobile troll ones.

If not operating, just hanging around with them, since trolls are a little too dumb to operate anything but a hammer, it would be a nice touch!

Again, congratulations on the faction, it is looking even more amazing at every update!!!

#68 Greatgoblin

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Posted 06 December 2017 - 03:45 PM

Best mod i have ever seen for sure, i want to share a concept about Greatgoblin

When i build a lumbermill in misty mountains i saw that workers are goblintown goblins so i came up with an idea actually i have this concept for 2 years now im implementing it to AOTR.
Greatgoblin can be a perfect base protector/economy booster hero.In this concept his specialityes can be:
lvl 1
Passive Goblin King
Greatgoblin moves % 70 faster and have % 70 more armor near a MM building
passive Slavemaster
Laborers near Greatgoblin gathers resources % 50 faster(+%5 each lvl)
Forced labor
When activated goblin laborers work % 100 faster but process kills them
Feasting zone
When activated Greatgoblin orders a great feasting (its a building can be a huge table and boiling dwarves etc.)units near feasting autoheal and enemy units terrifie.Greatgoblin gains +1000 heal near goblin buildings.
Torture Machines
Greatgoblin calls Mangler and Bonebreaker, mighty torture machines nullifies enemy units armors- % 50 damage- % 70 and slows them % 30 machines can't leave the base.
Greatgoblin song
Creates Goblintown musicians Greatgoblin starts to sing enemy units near Greatgoblin stuns for 10 seconds and provides % 100 damage boost to goblins(global).
With all my respect...

#69 smith92?

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Posted 24 February 2018 - 05:22 AM

Can you make bolg new model?This model is bad.
Also the goblin units uniform color is very gray and can not be understood anymore

#70 Sharkey

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Posted 14 March 2018 - 02:36 PM

Would it be possible to enable combo hordes for the Gundabad Orc units?

#71 Thranduil_King

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Posted 01 April 2018 - 07:22 PM

Greetings creators and designers of this mod
I want first to tell you thanks for this amazing mod, i love it... this is my first time commenting here because i want to tell you some ideas about some factions. Misty Mountains here :)
Misty mountains is one of my best faction for me (first is Lothlorien), but ones main tips for this will be:
1)  i love the bats, but they're very powerfull for me, 15 bats can destroy a fortress easily, could not it be better to leave the bats weaker?
2)  About Bolg, i think it will be better to be a normal hero/captain instead of the other heroes, bolg is great. I've seen some comments before, but... why, bolg is better known and he is the only archer in misty mountains.
3)  I do not remember reading anything about trolls with catapult in back or about "ogres" (that see in The Battle of the Five Armies), i know they look strange, but they would be a good addition, ogres looks like Gobling King in part.
By now is all that i remember... that's just ideas and tips, i hope you do not take this wrong.
Love this mod thanks

#72 Thranduil_King

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Posted 15 April 2018 - 02:24 AM

Hey guys!
As i wrote in http://www.moddb.com, i have good ideas...
* First what i wrote there:
I'm agree, Bolg in movies looks strange, but look good, scary... However, the creators and designers of this amazing mod, should consider put this design or hero in Misty Mountains instead of others heros. This desing, this orc is real, i refer, this orc is with makeup not CGI. This was the first version of Azog, looks also cool and scary, but on extended version of BOTA you can see him.
At least like a captain orc will be really good.
* At Last
Mmm, i don't know if it's me, but i see Azog a little weak, in fact all of heroes in this faction for me they seems weaks, well except Great Goblin (He's Ok)
I would like see, what do you think about this?. Put in Azog stronger and put in this new desing or hero?. 

Edited by Thranduil_King, 15 April 2018 - 02:25 AM.

#73 OdoProudfoot

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Posted 22 May 2018 - 12:01 AM

When the changes to the faction were announced on Discord, I mentioned the lack of an archer hero. Considering the comment that there could still be changes to the hero roster, I tried to adress it with a proposal for a new one:
He would have a mechanic similar to the Edains' Aranarth one. (http://edain.wikia.com/wiki/Aranarth). At level 7 you can chose one of two options.

Narzug (or some other orcish name). Appearance: a mountain-orc with adorns that show his prowess in battle.

Description: A mountain-orc that became chief of a small tribe by savagely destroying his contenders, but proved to be a smart leader with stealthy tactics.
Rank 1: Sword/Bow Toggle

Rank 1: Quick and quiet, no screams
Causes nearby mountain-orcs to be invisible near trees (or while standing still, unless that's too OP)

Rank 5: Mountain Kindred
Leadership to mountain-orcs.

Rank 7: My Blood
Narzug choses to fight for the unification of the mountain-orcs.

Rank 7: Their Blood
Narzug choses to fill the ranks of the Gundabad Berzerkers, giving in for his crave for human, elvish and dwarvish blood. This replaces My Blood and Their Blood.

If "My Blood" is chosen

Mountain Kindred's leadership is increased.

Level 7: Stealthy shot. Replaces My Blood.
Active: Narzug fires and arrow, causing good damage and crippling the target.
Passive: Allows Mountain-orc scouts to use Barbed Arrow Shot ability (currently available to Gundabad Archers).

If "Their Blood" is chosen
Level 1: Recruit (replaces Sword/Bow Toggle)
Passive: Narzug wears Gundabad armor and lays down his weapons for a berzerker scimitar, gaining increased stats.

Level 5: Bloodthirst (replaces Mountain Kindred)
With each consecutive strike, Narzug's attack increases.

Level 7: Berzerker (replaces Their Blood).
Acitve: For a short while, Narzug gains 150% damage, -50% armor.
Alternative: Passive: Narzug attacks now knock back units, and he cannot be knocked down.

A proposal for a new hero:
He would have a mechanic similar to the Edains' Aranarth one. (http://edain.wikia.com/wiki/Aranarth). At level 7 you can chose one of two options.

Narzug (or some other orcish name). Appearance: a mountain-orc with adorns that show his merit.

Description: A mountain-orc that became chief of a small tribe by savagely destroying his contenders, but proved to be a smart leader with stealthy tactics.
Rank 1: Sword/Bow Toggle

Rank 1: Quick and quiet, no screams
Causes nearby mountain-orcs to be invisible near trees (or while standing still, unless that's too OP)

Rank 5: Mountain Kindred
Leadership to mountain-orcs.

Rank 7: My Blood
Narzug choses to fight for the unification of the mountain-orcs.

Rank 7: Their Blood
Narzug choses to fill the ranks of the Gundabad Berzerkers, giving in for his crave for human, elvish and dwarvish blood. This replaces My Blood and Their Blood.

If "My Blood" is chosen

Mountain Kindred's leadership is increased.

Level 7: Stealthy shot. Replaces My Blood.
Active: Narzug fires and arrow, causing good damage and crippling the target.
Passive: Allows Mountain-orc scouts to use Barbed Arrow Shot ability (currently available to Gundabad Archers).

If "Their Blood" is chosen
Level 1: Recruit (replaces Sword/Bow Toggle)
Passive: Narzug wears Gundabad armor and lays down his weapons for a berzerker scimitar, gaining increased stats.

Level 5: Bloodthirst (replaces Mountain Kindred)
With each consecutive strike, Narzug's attack increases.

Level 7: Berzerker (replaces Their Blood).
Acitve: For a short while, Narzug gains 150% damage, -50% armor.
Alternative: Passive: Narzug attacks now knock back units, and he cannot be knocked down.


Edited by OdoProudfoot, 22 May 2018 - 09:49 AM.

#74 The_Nazgul

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Posted 28 June 2018 - 11:46 AM

Oh god!

Just saw the new faction plan

and well this is just better...much better!


So is this planned for version 3.0 or later patches?

#75 Mathijs


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Posted 28 June 2018 - 08:36 PM

Thanks! Version 4.0.

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#76 huynhminhtam1711

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Posted 04 February 2019 - 03:34 PM

First of all thank you AoR team for a really wonderful and closely familiar mod,

Then, I have some questions, what were you planing to do with the goblin strategy ? I mean It doesn't make any sense, goblins supposed to fight with hordes and numbers, but the gundabad orcs are too expensive, not to mention too few individuals per battalion, plus, they're too weak, the swordman line cannot stand against dwarves's guardian, their elite archers do minimum damage, gundabad pikeman too slow to chase the horse archer unit types. What do you think ? Thanks a lot

#77 Morgul Orc

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Posted 24 June 2019 - 11:52 PM

I am quite confused about the changes in orc unit names. Are the mountain orcs the same ones in the army of Bolg?

Are the Gundabad berserkers the same as the current gundabad orcs with armor (the ones that exited dol guldur).


I cannot see the troll catapult anymore on the list, does that mean it will be replaced by something else or just removed all together?




#78 Mathijs


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Posted 25 June 2019 - 08:44 AM

The Mountain-orcs are new units. Gundabad Berserkers are as you said. Troll Catapult is gone.

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#79 Morgul Orc

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Posted 26 June 2019 - 12:49 AM

The Mountain-orcs are new units. Gundabad Berserkers are as you said. Troll Catapult is gone.

Thanks for the fast reply!

I assume since misty mountains has a lot of anti-structure units like giant bats and trolls they get no specific 6 limit siege unit?

#80 Arcadian

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Posted 05 September 2019 - 03:38 PM

I think Giant Bats from the films are meant to be Vampires from Tolkien's writings, so I'd suggest to change their name.

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