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Misty Mountains Faction Plan

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#81 Mathijs


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Posted 05 September 2019 - 03:44 PM

We reference this idea in their Vampirism power.

No fuel left for the pilgrims

#82 Sharkey

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Posted 15 September 2019 - 10:20 PM

I love the new changes for this faction, particularly the new Olog-Hai armour.


It was particularly fun playing the Moria missions of your new campaign - really love the atmosphere in those and the moments from the film that are recreated, like when the Fellowship is surrounded by the Moria goblins.


A quick thought on logos: currently Misty Mountains build plots (on fortresses etc) bear a spider symbol - should those perhaps be transferred to Dol Guldur when that faction has been added, since they (quite rightly) get the spider units?

Edited by Sharkey, 15 September 2019 - 10:33 PM.

#83 Giveaway412

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Posted 26 April 2020 - 08:46 PM

A few suggested tweaks and additions. Big thanks to OakenShield224 for helping me with this.


Lug the Mauled - 1800


Mountain Orc ranged hero with an emphasis on hunting/controlling monsters.


Visual cue: A tribal-looking orc hunter with a primitive spear and bow. Wears animal skins and warpaint. Face is heavily scarred and/or possibly wearing a mask of some kind.


Rank 1: Master of Beasts 

The Mauled Orc is experienced in dominating all manner of creature, and had a hand in driving Beorn's people out of the mountains.

Lug deals extra damage to enemy cavalry, monsters, and Beornings. Passive.

Activate to summon a beast cage, containing a warg that will attack nearby enemies. Relatively short cooldown.


Rank 1: The Hunter 

Lug can kill any beast, no matter if he wields sharpened rod or swift arrow.

Toggles between his bow and spear.


Rank 3: Beast Tamer

From the beasts of the earth to the birds of the sky, Lug has hunted every manner of creature.

Target monster/flying unit has a reduction in speed and damage for a short time.


Rank 6: Scent of Blood

Lug's prowess with taming is such that he can whip his monsters into a murderous frenzy, causing them to abandon any attempt at self-preservation to pursue a kill.

Temporarily grants an allied single-entity monster unit (Cave Troll, Giant Bat, Gundabad Troll, Fire Wyrm or Stone Giant) greatly increased damage at the cost of increasing its vulnerability. Does not apply to buildings.


Rank 9: Totem of the Wild

An effigy constructed by Lug to mark his dominion over nature. Its threatening visage terrifies any horse or beast that lays eyes on it, and Lug's own tamed creatures guard it fervently.

Summons a Totem of the Wild to the battlefield that is permanent until it is destroyed. This will heavily increase the crush deceleration of enemy monsters and cavalry in the surrounding area. The Totem will be protected by a few Wargs and Giant Bats.




Tom - Summoned

Rank 1: More Where That Came From

Tom sneezes on an enemy unit, causing poison damage.


Uses Troll melee animations.


Bert - Summoned

Rank 1: Mutton Roast

Bert summons a campfire with mutton roasting on it, healing units in a small radius around it.


Uses Troll with club animations. Club is replaced with a large skewer.


Bill - Summoned

Rank 1: Troll Purse

Passive: Bill detects stealth in a radius around him.

Rank 1: Close Range Attack/Throw Rocks

Switches between melee attacks and throwing rocks.


Uses Troll melee animations, but can switch to rock-throwing mode.


Tier 3 Power - The Three Trolls - Summons Tom, Bert, and Bill. (Replaces Guard of the Mountains)


Monster Lair - 800 (Renamed Wyrm Lair)
Requires Allegiance: Northern Wastes
Rank 1: Recruit Wyrm - 2000
A flightless lesser dragon with a powerful fiery breath capable of wiping out swathes of infantry.
Rank 2: Recruit Stone Giant - 3000.
A massive giant from the High Pass that can lob massive boulders.
Rank 2: Research Wyrm Armor.
When researched and equipped, all Wyrms gain +30% armor to pierce damage.


#84 Odysseus95

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Posted 03 August 2020 - 05:26 PM

Here's my simple take on Bolg if he were to become a permanent hero. I tried to respect AOTR's design as much as possible with my limited knowledge of the mod. 

Concept: He starts of as a ranged hero (which MM lacks), and can become a hybrid melee/ranged hero with good support for mountain orc-focused strategies. He's mostly a versatile hero. 


Cost: 2000-2200~

Rank 1: Poisonous Arrow (Active): 

Based on the non-canon "Morgul Bow" that Bolg used to shoot and hit Kili, and bolstered by the poison theme that is seen with some Misty Mountain units. Bolg fires a poisonous arrow at an enemy hero or monster that deals low/moderate damage over time. Damage increases with each level. Moderate cooldown.

Rank 3: Weapon Toggle Bow/Mace:

Weapon toggle. Not sure if he gains armour when switching to his melee weapon, but if other weapon toggles do that for heroes, then this one should probably do it as well. 

Rank 5: Orcish Fury (Active. Only usable in melee):

Bolg temporarily gains 50% damage and 20% armour. A weaker version of Azog's Sworn Vengeance, but is available earlier, on a cheaper hero, and with a lower cooldown. 

Rank 7: Azog's Spawn/Successor:

When Azog was slain, Bolg succeeded him. However, if both are potentially to be on the field, this means he hasn't succeeded Azog yet. The revised ability will now be a leadership for Mountain Orcs. Mountain Orcs look up to Bolg as Azog's heir. Mountain Orcs near Bolg gain +33% damage, +33% armour, gain experience +50% faster and resistance to fear/terror. A very powerful leadership, the only one that provides immunity to fear/terror in MM, (hopefully) balanced by the fact that it only works for mountain orcs and comes rather late, at level 7. 

Rank 10: Bolg's Bodyguard:
Bolg is permanently accompanied by a couple of his bodyguards. Those would be Horrors of Gram. Can be activated to temporarily summon a single horde of Horrors of Gram. The bodyguards protect him when's both in melee or firing his poison arrows at targets, similar to Celeborn's guards. 

Let me know what you think!

Edited by Odysseus95, 03 August 2020 - 05:33 PM.

#85 AquilineIdol700

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Posted 12 August 2020 - 01:21 AM

Hey!!!! Loving the mod :thumbsupxd: Would you ever consider adding a different Inn Unit?? Like Hobgoblins? I quite like the idea of each faction having a unique Inn Unit. Also, would you ever add ogres to the Misty Mountains faction????

Edited by AquilineIdol700, 12 August 2020 - 01:58 AM.

#86 AquilineIdol700

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Posted 12 November 2020 - 10:03 PM

I kind of preferred the original warg Golfimbul had tbh. It added variety art and lore-wise and the new warg/wolf he rides looks fair too similar to the one Azog rides. I think it should at the very least be a different colour. Also, I kinda preferred the original Gundabad Orcs being upgraded to the orcs we see in BOTFA to the Mountain Orcs. I noticed that currently the orcs that come out out of Mount Gundabad in BOTFA or the Hunter Orcs (the ones that looked like the Gundabad Orcs originally in this mod) are nowhere to be found. Are they to be a future Inn Unit??

#87 AquilineIdol700

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Posted 16 November 2020 - 09:21 PM

I absolutely love AOTR 6.0 but I'm not a fan of the Gundabad warg riders riding wolves now. It doesn't help that most of the wolves are white and it completely makes Azog feel less unique. I also preferred when you had the standard warg riders that chased Thorin's company and you could upgrade them with heavy armour to the Gundabad Berserker riders we seen in BOTFA extended edition. I wouldn't have minded the Wolf riders if they were a separate unit (i.e. summonable from a Ruin of Angmar or Golfimbul). I still love the mod but I wasn't a big fan of that change. 

#88 Thranduil_King

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Posted 17 November 2020 - 01:51 AM

I absolutely love AOTR 6.0 but I'm not a fan of the Gundabad warg riders riding wolves now. It doesn't help that most of the wolves are white and it completely makes Azog feel less unique. I also preferred when you had the standard warg riders that chased Thorin's company and you could upgrade them with heavy armour to the Gundabad Berserker riders we seen in BOTFA extended edition. I wouldn't have minded the Wolf riders if they were a separate unit (i.e. summonable from a Ruin of Angmar or Golfimbul). I still love the mod but I wasn't a big fan of that change. 


I'm Agree of this too, gundabad Warg riders without armor were also beautiful too as the old gundabad warrios too (archers, pikemen and swordsmen)

#89 AquilineIdol700

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Posted 17 November 2020 - 10:33 PM

Yeah, really loved that system of having the unupgraded orcs as the Hunter/Moria Orcs that were at the Battle of Azanulbizar and pursued the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, with the upgraded heavily armoured orcs being the orcs that left Dol Guldur to take part in the Battle of the Five Armies. Personally, I would prefer that system returning with the Gundabad Berserkers being reskinned to have the same armour as the orc army that left Gundabad to take part in the Battle of the Five Armies and got killed by Beorn and the Giant Eagles (not the Horrors of Gram), but that's just me.

Edited by AquilineIdol700, 17 November 2020 - 10:34 PM.

#90 AquilineIdol700

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 12:44 AM

You could still have the Mountain Lodge as a summonable power and have the wolf riders come from that, or from the Angmar Spire. Just a suggestion :) 

#91 Dúnedain76


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 01:49 AM

That won't be happening. We've made these decisions because this is want we want, sorry.

#92 AquilineIdol700

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Posted 18 November 2020 - 11:53 AM

That's fair! Keep up the great work guys, loving the mod :) 

#93 Vraccasil

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Posted 25 November 2020 - 11:38 PM

I feel like the upgradeable stone trolls are lacking a little bit of punch or at least tankyness.

They are so damn costly when fully upgraded but still get shot down so fast by archers oder killed by heroes.


I feel like for a unit of that kind of investment it's disappointing (yet the look is so cool - great work from you guys!).

#94 sonpnmaserco123

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Posted 31 March 2021 - 01:08 PM


Dear team AOR.

misty moutain can share 2 faction as eboror? can add catapult troll and orge? can fix all unit raider attack not in enemy? can fix model lord of golbin ( follow model of troll)? 

Edited by sonpnmaserco123, 31 March 2021 - 01:09 PM.

#95 sonpnmaserco123

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Posted 13 April 2021 - 07:12 AM

Hey Mathis, can use model witch king make troll brute? I see them like same animation

#96 Nerevar42

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Posted 10 June 2021 - 09:02 AM

Giant Bats are bad. Just bad. The problem is that when you can train Cave-Trolls, Snow-Trolls, Gundabad Stone-Trolls, Mountain Giants, Fire-Wyms and stuff, you don’t need Bats, and they don’t even sound exciting. If there was a much more restrained monster choice for MM, maybe they would be used, but they need to much investment and micro-managing compared to how useful they actually are. The cold-drake that is coming seems way more appropriate to harass cavalry from the skies, for he is tougher and has more health. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone sustain a bat long enough for it to reach lvl 3 so it can finally regen with each hit. Their passive to counter flying units would be interesting in a game like Warcraft III that has a lot of flying units, but in BFME… I just think they should be scrapped in their actual form, they serve a too specific purpose for me.


About the spellbook : Untamed Allegiance, which was a joke, got a huge buff by entering the fortress, replaced by a powerful healing summon (in MM, so beware the Three Brothers). The problem stands now more around T3s, because the Watcher clearly isn’t that great compared to the extremely useful Winter and the honestly good Were-Wyrm that delves tunnels. With Durin’s Bane being also way more versatile than the Fire-drakes Wrath, the bottom right of this spellbook appears to be quite abandoned each game. A good way to prevent this would be to rework the positioning of the tree, but the Watcher would be still bad. I would just make him a T2 again, pushing down the Scavenger so it becomes more or less passive, or something like that. If you have an idea to make the Watcher a proper T3 compared to his neighbors, this would be great to implement it. Maybe this is the perfect occasion to find a true spot for those Giant Bats, as a summon ! But I would understand this sounds kind of repetitive with the actual Bats tier 1. Oh, well.

"C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron."

#97 Pestum

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 12:56 AM

Giant Bats are bad. Just bad. The problem is that when you can train Cave-Trolls, Snow-Trolls, Gundabad Stone-Trolls, Mountain Giants, Fire-Wyms and stuff, you don’t need Bats, and they don’t even sound exciting. If there was a much more restrained monster choice for MM, maybe they would be used, but they need to much investment and micro-managing compared to how useful they actually are. The cold-drake that is coming seems way more appropriate to harass cavalry from the skies, for he is tougher and has more health. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone sustain a bat long enough for it to reach lvl 3 so it can finally regen with each hit. Their passive to counter flying units would be interesting in a game like Warcraft III that has a lot of flying units, but in BFME… I just think they should be scrapped in their actual form, they serve a too specific purpose for me.


I don´t know in mp but against ia bats are great. Build 2 troll caves and train bats like any other troops. Bats are trained to kill infantry and monsters they are bad for fortress siege.

#98 Nerevar42

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 07:14 AM

Bats can very easily die if they encounter archers. This is the case with most of flying units (for obvious reasons) but a lot of them also have more hitpoints than bats (Smaug, Cold-drake, Witch-King, Fellbeasts, Eagles), so it is easier to retreat them or to send them in bases. Bats need a lot of micro to be efficient and any error will drive you to lose your high level bat to a few arrows in a matter of seconds. But maybe I'm blind to their actual efficiency. What may be the opinion of the devs regarding bats in MM ?

Edited by Nerevar42, 17 June 2021 - 07:14 AM.

"C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron."

#99 Pestum

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 07:42 AM

As i see getting a flying unit from a troll cave lvl 2 and 750 resources who can only be attacked by archers is a good deal. I don´t bring one bat to battle like they were dragons i fly with a band of bats (3 or 4 usually). They don´t get stuck with other troops. You send the bats and they attack. With 3 bats you kill easily 2 squads of archers without losing a single one and the rest of the enemy troops are at your disposal.


Trolls and cavalry die easily against pikes and you need to micro them a lot. I don´t understand why bats are underrated.

Edited by Pestum, 17 June 2021 - 07:43 AM.

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