Release 1.1: The First Hotfix
Bug fixes
- Upgrades now mention that they effect patrols.
- Gundabad Berserker CaH now uses Uruk CaH voiceset
- Various map improvements and fixes
- Fixed Inn Dúnedain Ranger Banner carrier model
- Stoneworker and Battle Tower now have a different shortcut (O) (T)
- Fixed bug with Gandalf causing a bug that made Command Points disappear for Gondor
- Removed Aragorn lines from Berethor's recruit and respawn
- Anorien Knights should no longer show old model in lower quality settings
- Pippin's Trollbane does not play Aragorn's shout anymore
- Gondor Battle tower now has better geometry
- Gondor Farm now has better geometry
- Gondor Battle Tower archer gets Fire Arrow when tech is purchased
- Gondor's Rallying Call power now uses appropriate decal art
- Added Mordor Pikemen to the Call the Horde power
- Various string fixes
- Fixed bug that allowed old Attack troll skin to show
Misty Mountains
- Great Goblin’s song cannot be heard mapwide anymore
- Azog retains his armor after respawning
- Manslayers no longer cause units to avoid crushing them
- Fixed Wildmen Spearmen banner placement
- Added Optimized Anorien Soldier
- Added Optimized Anorien Pikemen/Spearmen
- Added optimized Anorien Archers
- Added Optimized Anorien Trebuchet
- Added Optimized Anorien Knights
- Added Optimized Gondor Banner Carrier
- Added Optimized Archery Range (with optimized archer models)
- Added idle variation for Gondor Farm
- Anorien Archers now attack with their swords in close combat
- Prince Imrahil has a new voice set
- Clansmen of Lamedon have a new voice set
- Lamedon Clansmen and Anorien Soldier use more attacking animations
- Aragorn now uses his Elven Dagger during Blademaster
- Gandalf has his lore string!
- Fury of Khand has a new FX
Misty Mountains
- Golfimbul has a new voice set
- Great Goblin's song is now split into 2 variations (from one long sound effect)
- The Balrog deals less damaged upon summon
- Sauron is slightly more vulnerable to magic damage
- Reduced Ring hero death shockwave damage
- Warg Riders (Isengard and Misty Mountains) now have more armor against cavalry damage
- Pippin's Trollbane now has adds resistance to knockback
- Gondor Battle tower will now shoot arrows even without buying the garrison upgrade
- Armaments of the White City is now a rank 3 power for fiefdom units (from rank 5)
- Gondor Battle Tower archers do more damage
- Forlong has less health than before
- Reduced radius of Necromancy effect from Dol Guldur Dungeon
- Decreased D0l Guldur Dungeon armor to regular unit attacks
- Drummer Trolls require Rank 2 Troll Cage now
- Mollok's Reaping Slash and Will of Sauron powers swapped in level placement
- Reduced the quality of Attack Troll per level bonuses (rank 5 trolls are less powerful now)
- Horde bonus requires 150 units to be activated (from 100)
- Sauron's Conflagaration can now only target heroes
- Misty Mountain's Frozen Wasteland no longer slows enemy units
- Improved Khamul’s armor values
Misty Mountains
- Azog now costs 4000 from 3000
- Nothing!
The AotR Team