1) When I upgrade a land speeder that gains shields (Freerunner, and Chariot, I think) the description says "missing" where the shields should be.
2) I believe there is something wrong with this picture (or my fighter knowledge is really lacking) . It's a shipbased fighter but I don't know which one it came from at this point.
3) Is Romodi as senator giving Offense 4 to both land and space? He looks like a ground hero (one of many clones actually ) but it just says "leader" without "land" OR "space". He has the icon and halo during my space battle but I'm not seeing much difference (how much is Offense 4, in any case?).
4) From time to time (2nd time in my 25 week long campaign) during a battle I start hearing "credits acquired" when I blow something up and get the bounty. Needless to say this results in hearing these two words in a continuous loop until the end of the battle. Does this have to do with Piett and Enforcement?
Edited by Piet-Tia, 14 February 2018 - 10:07 PM.