Hello, The3rdAge community!
Today, I am going to offer to showcase the Erebor faction I made the Dwarven faction into for my own RotWK mod, "The One Ring Unleashed". Basically, all that's missing is Prince Bard II, Prince Thorin III, Dwalin, Bifur, and Radagast the Brown as heroes. However, I am curious: who wants to see what I have done so far for an Erebor faction? I will post screencaps and videos if anyone wants to see what I have done so far, with captions summarizing how I did it in 30 words or less per caption.
Next, I will add the four heroes mentioned. Then, I will reshape Mordor to have Mordor Uruk-hai instead of Orcs for common troops and to have six Nazgul (the other three will be in the Easterlings faction that I'll be reshaping Angmar into). In the meantime, who wants to see my WIP version of Erebor? Thanks in advance for any replies.
~Easterling Emperor~