I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! it was driving me mad! i had to come through it in order to reset my account password and it took like two days the capthca alone! I tried all uppercase, all lowercase, what it seemed to suit best, refresh page, open and close, reboot pc, change pc, try mobile, change browser, disable extensions, use Microsoft edge, write it in quenya, change glasses, ask another person to do it for me but nothing. Then suddenly it worked, but i got no confirmation email. I tried again with the exact same... hardaware configuration but nothing, nothing again for at least other 20 attempts. Then days after the email arrives like it would've been quicker if they sent me an actual key with amazon.
Really fixing these kinds of simple technical problems would be great, also because i can just imagine how many people who are less patient (or better less stoic) just give up. Like the donwload button on the main page that you need to copy paste the link for it to work; i've counted about a dozen people in half a dozen topics complaining about it in the last 6 months (considered the activity on this forum we could consider it the trending topic of the semester). Small thing, but the whole process is already clunky enough and it is another nail in the coffin. Low activity in servers, low activity in forums, hundreds of technical problems people cant solve also becouse there is low activity in forums, even less activity in servers and so on. Thinking that we may be losing potential players daily because they get interested, click the cool big download button, nothing happens, refresh, nothing happens, open in other tab, nothing happens, change browser, nothing happens and simply look for another game (cause not everyone is born a die hard fan, and already looking for such an old game today is not obviuos). The reason becouse whatever stupid "cant get to level 10 OMG" mobile game gets one million donwloads in a month is not because is good, but becouse you need just one click to get it.