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C&C Kanes Wrath world builder map not showing up in game

c&c3 kw c&c world builder c&c map not appearing

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#1 fr1ghtn1gh

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Posted 23 December 2018 - 03:08 PM

So I have made a map using the C&C Kanes Wrath worldbuilder and saved it and launch the game and cannot see it. However I can open other custom maps in the editor and even reopen my map in the editor.



When I save my map it saves in a different format to other maps (check the links below)


My made map when saved in its folder:



Custom maps downloaded in their folder:

http://prntscr.com/lymxjq (not sure why the my edited text cuts off) 


Why are they in a different format?


Not sure what the problem is?


Any help would be appreciated



EDIT: Just tested making another map and it works.... so must have been some problem with that map I guess.

Edited by fr1ghtn1gh, 23 December 2018 - 03:29 PM.

#2 MyWordisFinal

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Posted 01 June 2021 - 06:50 PM

hello there. do you know how i get the maps to show in my game? i can not get my map to show up in the Game (My custom map is in the same places as yours are) i made several "Test Maps" to see if it was the map like your issue was but for me the issue still persists. if you are still on this forum then any help you have would be appreciated (had to throw together an account here to ask you these questions so i hope you still use this forum)

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