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[KANE'S WRATH] Game freezes when trying to go online

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#1 Blitz-Paladin

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Posted 25 March 2020 - 06:45 PM

Ultimate Collection from Origin and Standalone version (happens in both).

My game freezes when trying to go online. I have properly hooked from the launcher the game and followed all suggestions I could find and I still can't play online. My game will just freeze for 5 minutes and then display the following message: "Unable to establish a connection with the Kane's Wrath servers. Please check your internet connection"

Currently using a PC with Windows 10, 64bits.


The error log is the following:


----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Kane's Wrath
Kane's Wrath Install Path: F:\Juegos\Kane's Wrath\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\
Started game with: "CNC3EP1.exe "F:\Juegos\Kane's Wrath\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\CnC3EP1.exe" "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Kane's Wrath. Detaching...
Found game.dat process. PID 3444
*** Starting CA public key patching routine ***
CA public key is expected value.
Successfully patched CA public key.
*** Starting hostname hooking routine ***
Injecting DLL into game.dat process...
Result of injection: Code -1073741582
And here you can see the connection test: 
Using server nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Bound to local port 64348
Bound to local alternate port 64349
Resolving hostname 'nntest.cnc-online.net'...
Resolved server host to be ''
Sending client INIT from port 64348 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server INIT [636863]
Our public address is
Sending client INIT2 [636863] from port 64349 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server INIT2 [636863]
Our alternate public address is
Sending cient START [636863] from port 64349 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server START [636863]
Server extra port is 40000
Sending client PING [636863] from port 64348 to nntest.cnc-online.net:40000
Received server PING(1) [636863]
Received server PING(2) [636863]
Received server PING(3) [636863]
Received 3 pings from nntest.cnc-online.net:40000.
NAT negotiation works with your router and connection.
==> You do not have to use port forwarding.
Thanks in advance. For any doubt my Discord ID is Vereor Nox#5843

Attached Thumbnails

  • 2.PNG
  • 22.PNG

#2 Douglas_OAlmeida

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Posted 07 April 2020 - 12:39 AM

Play online C&C Tiberium Wars and Kane´s Wrath

Yesterday, 04:07 AM

Good evening everyone,

I have installed the games C&C Tiberium War and Kanes Wrath on my PC to play online with friends.

However, when entering the game, and accessing the online option for server configuration, the game returns with the following message: "Unable to establish a connection with the kane´s wrath servers. Please check your internet connection.

However my PC is already connected to the internet.

I bought the original games through Origin and accessed through C&C Revora, but unfortunately I haven't been able to play online yet.

Is there anyone here who can help me in this matter.

Thanks in advance, thank you !!!



C&C TW and KW.png


#3 Edvin2090


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Posted 29 April 2020 - 04:31 PM


Ultimate Collection from Origin and Standalone version (happens in both).

My game freezes when trying to go online. I have properly hooked from the launcher the game and followed all suggestions I could find and I still can't play online. My game will just freeze for 5 minutes and then display the following message: "Unable to establish a connection with the Kane's Wrath servers. Please check your internet connection"

Currently using a PC with Windows 10, 64bits.


The error log is the following:


----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Kane's Wrath
Kane's Wrath Install Path: F:\Juegos\Kane's Wrath\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\
Started game with: "CNC3EP1.exe "F:\Juegos\Kane's Wrath\Command and Conquer 3 TW and KW\Command Conquer 3 Kanes Wrath\CnC3EP1.exe" "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Kane's Wrath. Detaching...
Found game.dat process. PID 3444
*** Starting CA public key patching routine ***
CA public key is expected value.
Successfully patched CA public key.
*** Starting hostname hooking routine ***
Injecting DLL into game.dat process...
Result of injection: Code -1073741582
And here you can see the connection test: 
Using server nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Bound to local port 64348
Bound to local alternate port 64349
Resolving hostname 'nntest.cnc-online.net'...
Resolved server host to be ''
Sending client INIT from port 64348 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server INIT [636863]
Our public address is
Sending client INIT2 [636863] from port 64349 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server INIT2 [636863]
Our alternate public address is
Sending cient START [636863] from port 64349 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server START [636863]
Server extra port is 40000
Sending client PING [636863] from port 64348 to nntest.cnc-online.net:40000
Received server PING(1) [636863]
Received server PING(2) [636863]
Received server PING(3) [636863]
Received 3 pings from nntest.cnc-online.net:40000.
NAT negotiation works with your router and connection.
==> You do not have to use port forwarding.
Thanks in advance. For any doubt my Discord ID is Vereor Nox#5843




Play online C&C Tiberium Wars and Kane´s Wrath

Yesterday, 04:07 AM

Good evening everyone,

I have installed the games C&C Tiberium War and Kanes Wrath on my PC to play online with friends.

However, when entering the game, and accessing the online option for server configuration, the game returns with the following message: "Unable to establish a connection with the kane´s wrath servers. Please check your internet connection.

However my PC is already connected to the internet.

I bought the original games through Origin and accessed through C&C Revora, but unfortunately I haven't been able to play online yet.

Is there anyone here who can help me in this matter.

Thanks in advance, thank you !!!







i have linked this to a fellow staffer. 

mabye this will help you whit your cnc problem https://forums.revor...sues-solutions/

rember to give as mutch info as you can befor posting support tickets this will help you. https://forums.revor...-report-issues/

If you want to reach me faster for some support, feel free to join our discord server. https://discord.gg/hPPfJT3
You can tagg either me @edvin#2274 or @tech support in the chat #support

#4 Medstar

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Posted 02 May 2020 - 02:48 AM

Hello @Blitz-Paladin and @Douglas_OAlmeida; a similar issue was filed here on May 1st, 2020: https://forums.revor...85-kanes-wrath/

The above link contains a list of steps that helped resolve this user's issues.



If you are still having difficulty in getting your games to work or are confused by the steps mentioned in the above link, please PM me @Medstar#1550 on Discord so that we can do this in real time, and so that I can get my own hands on the issue.  :thumbsuphappy:


If a PM session does occur, a detailed report will be posted here--like in the link above--so that everything is noted for the future for any stray users/admins that pass by here.

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