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Isengard Beserkers Speed Problem with a Torch

isengard beserker torch toggle

Best Answer Miraak5, 27 May 2020 - 11:51 AM

Ye it's not working, the "ToggleOnAttributeModifier = BerserkerTorchLightingPenalty" seems to only trigger the modifier while he is toggling to the torch and not for when he is using the torch

so the armor nerf and speed buff are only present when he is doing his animation (wich is kinda useless for speed^^)

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#1 OneV

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Posted 26 May 2020 - 10:31 PM

I have been working on my mod based on 2.02 v8.3. I noticed that beserkers 

are supposed to run 20% faster than normally whenever they light a torch while losing 17% armor. However, I did some tests and verified that beserkers do not, in fact, gain the 20% speed bonus. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on where to start to fix the issue? 
The only code related to this that I see is as follows:

	Behavior = WeaponChangeSpecialPowerModule THING
		SpecialPowerTemplate 	= SpecialAbilityBerserkerLightTorch
		FlagsUsedForToggle	= WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1
		ToggleOnSleepFrames 	= 25
		ToggleOffSleepFrames 	= 0
		ToggleOnAttributeModifier = BerserkerTorchLightingPenalty


ModifierList BerserkerTorchLightingPenalty
	Category = FORMATION
	Modifier = ARMOR -17% PIERCE HERO_RANGED STRUCTURAL ;,; ARMOR -50%	// 50% less armor
	Modifier = SPEED 120% ;,;
	Duration = 0		// Duration is forever when zero
//	FX		 = FX_BerserkerTorchPenalty // don't want purple tint

SpecialPower SpecialAbilityBerserkerLightTorch
ReloadTime = 0

Thanks in advance to everyone. 

Edited by OneV, 26 May 2020 - 10:32 PM.

#2 Miraak5


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Posted 27 May 2020 - 11:51 AM   Best Answer

Ye it's not working, the "ToggleOnAttributeModifier = BerserkerTorchLightingPenalty" seems to only trigger the modifier while he is toggling to the torch and not for when he is using the torch

so the armor nerf and speed buff are only present when he is doing his animation (wich is kinda useless for speed^^)

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#3 OneV

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Posted 27 May 2020 - 03:24 PM

Ye it's not working, the "ToggleOnAttributeModifier = BerserkerTorchLightingPenalty" seems to only trigger the modifier while he is toggling to the torch and not for when he is using the torch

so the armor nerf and speed buff are only present when he is doing his animation (wich is kinda useless for speed^^)

I guess I won't worry about it then, at least for now. Thank you!

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