Hi, I've made a new Orc hero and I want to give him an ability to replenish fallen orcs. This ability is based on Lurtz Carnage / CAH Berserker Rage, so it's supposed to work only when it's activated. Here's what I done so far:
// Replenish Allies POWER
Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_CreateAHeroBerserkerRageEnabler_Level1_SoS ;;.;;
SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLurtzCarnage
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ObjectLevel8
RequiresAllTriggers = Yes ;;,;; was missing :(
Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_CreateAHeroBerserkerRageStarter_Level1
SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityLurtzCarnage
UpdateModuleStartsAttack = No
StartsPaused = Yes
TargetEnemy = No
SetModelCondition = ModelConditionState:USER_5 ;;,;;
SetModelConditionTime = 2.0 ;;,;;
DisableDuringAnimDuration = Yes ;;,;;
Behavior = BannerCarrierUpdate BannerCarrierUpdateModuleTag
Conditions = ModelConditionState:USER_5
IdleSpawnRate = 10000 ; spawn a new member every n seconds when idle (in miliseconds)
HeroEffectDuration = 20000
ObjectFilter = NONE +ORC +URUK +GOBLIN
UnitSpawnFX = FX_BannerCarrierSpawnUnit ; name of particle FX to use when the BannerCarrier spawns a new unit
Behavior = AutoAbilityBehavior ModuleTag_BladeOfPurityAutoAbility ;;,;;
SpecialAbility = SpecialAbilityLurtzCarnage
ForbiddenStatus = INSIDE_GARRISON ;;,;; This seems to prevent the ability from being used inside a tower
MaxScanRange = 200
So basically I used a Lurtz Carnage ability, which unlocks Model Condition State USER_5, which should then unlock BannerCarrierUpdate. However, when I start the game, I get an error message saying "Unknown field Conditions in block Object", which is propably refering to this file. I'm also unsure about the other parts of the code, so I'd be gratefull if someone could help me with this.